SOC Hon Treasurer vacancy

The Club’s Treasurer, Andrew Thorpe, has indicated that he will be standing down at the end of the Club’s financial year, 31 March 2021, when he will have served for almost five years. Therefore, we are now inviting applications for this key role within the SOC.

The Honorary Treasurer is one of five office bearers, elected by the membership at the AGM, who works closely with the President, Vice-Presidents and Secretary to ensure the effective operation of the Club as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) and in line with the provisions of the Charity’s Constitution. The initial period of appointment is for two years from the date of election at the Club’s 2021 AGM (November). However, we will be looking to co-opt the new post holder as a temporary trustee from April, with a handover period available from February.

The Treasurer becomes one of the trustees of the Club and is expected to be aware of the financial responsibilities that this entails and to exercise these to the benefit of the Charity.  A key responsibility is the presentation of current accounts to the quarterly meetings of the Club’s trustees (Council) and the presentation of the end-of-year accounts at the AGM, which involves ensuring the Annual Accounts have been independently examined and eventually forwarded to the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR). The Treasurer is also responsible for organising and chairing meetings of the Finance Committee and is also a member of the Management Committee. The President may, at the discretion of Council, require the post holder to serve on meetings of other Committees.

For full details of the Hon Treasurer’s role and responsibilities, click on the link below.

To register your interest, please use the link below to complete a short application form, which should be emailed to the Club Secretary, David Lindgren, via by 31st January 2021. Or if you would like to discuss any aspect of the vacancy, please contact the Club Administrator, Wendy Hicks: or call 07519 263198.


Waterston House image © June Scott