The SOC would like to invite you to an afternoon about tapestry weaving to accompany the exhibition Spectacles of Nature (26th February–13th April 2025).

Please come along and join talented weavers Anna Wetherell, Irene Evison and Katrine West who were involved with the collaboratively woven tapestries ‘Murmuration Collaboration’ and ‘Waterline’ that are on show as part of this exhibition. The weavers will share their stories about how these beautiful tapestries were made as well as giving a weaving demonstration. There will be the opportunity to ask lots of questions and have a go at some tapestry weaving yourself.

‘Murmuration Collaboration’ comprises 12 smaller tapestries that when hung together create a spectacular woven murmuration, shaped to reflect a flock of birds, twisting, turning and forming shape-shifting patterns in the sky. The effect is dramatic, with the entire installation swooping across the back wall of the gallery. The second collection of tapestries ‘Waterline’ is a series of interlocking weavings inspired by rivers and seas. These pieces hang together guided by the high waterline which links each tapestry to the next.

Both tapestries have been woven collaboratively over several years. The weavers worked together to jointly create their design, with each of them then weaving one part of the tapestry. This allowed them to incorporate their own vision and technique while remaining true to the overall concept. The weavings are a wonderful example of collaborative design.

This is a free event to accompany the exhibition and is suitable for all ages. No booking required.

Image: Murmuration Collaboration, photo © Joanne Withers