This web page provides links to digitised obituaries of Scottish ornithologists from Scottish Birds. Readers can explore the lives of a diverse range of past Scottish Ornithologists’ Club members and their changing social and ornithological environments from the earliest days of the 20th century through to today. Click on one of the links below to view the obituary of the former member. A few recently-published obituaries are not yet available online.

Obituary for Dates   Year published
Samuel Michael David ALEXANDER 1932-2010 Scottish Birds Vol 31: 28 2011
Wilfrid Backhouse ALEXANDER 1885-1965 Scottish Birds Vol 4: 258 1966
Duncan Robertson ANDERSON 1890-1977 Scottish Birds Vol 9: 309 1977
Sandy ANDERSON 1938-2017 Scottish Birds Vol 37: 226 2017
Dr Norah ARMSTRONG ****-1996 Scottish Birds Vol 18: 186 1996
John Michael Stewart ARNOTT 1933-2002 Scottish Birds Vol 24: 45 2003
William AUSTIN 1911-1995 Scottish Bird News 38: 12 1995
John BAIN 1883?-1961 Scottish Birds Vol 1: 450 1961
Eddie BALFOUR ****-1974 Scottish Birds Vol 9: 69 1976
Dr D A (David Armitage) BANNERMAN 1986-1979 Scottish Birds Vol 10: 277 1979
James BARTHOLOMEW 1874-1957 Scottish Birds Vol 1: 22 1958
Dr E V (Evelyn Vida) BAXTER 1879-1959 Scottish Birds Vol 1: 168 1960
John BERRY 1907-2002 Scottish Birds Vol 22: 121 2001
Henry BOASE 1892-1974 Scottish Birds Vol 8: 86 1974
Gordon BOOTH 1905-2003 Scottish Birds Vol 24: 51 2004
Hugh BOYD 1925-2016 Scottish Birds Vol 36: 306 2016
John Morton BOYD 1925-1998 Scottish Birds Vol 19: 310 1998
William BRACKENRIDGE 1952-2000 Scottish Birds Vol 22: 70 2001
William BROTHERSTON 1913-1981 Scottish Birds Vol 11: 265 1981
Leslie Hilton BROWN 1917-1980 Scottish Birds Vol 11: 196 1981
Samuel BRUCE 1879-1960 Scottish Birds Vol 1: 240 1960
A G S (Archibald Gordon Stuart) BRYSON 1912-1999 Scottish Birds Vol 20: 46 1999
John Philip BUSBY 1928-2015 Scottish Birds Vol 35: 229 2015
Robert Grier CALDOW 1922-2006 Scottish Birds Vol 28: 51 2008
Dr James William CAMPBELL 1906-1971 Scottish Birds Vol 6: 340 1971
Robert CARRICK 1911-1988 Scottish Birds Vol 15: 93 1988
Malcolm CASTLE 1923-1966 Scottish Birds Vol 19: 58 1997
Mark CHAPMAN 1959-2018 Scottish Birds Vol 38: 144 2018
William CLUNIE 1948-2014 Scottish Birds Vol 35: 132 2015
Dr Pamela Mary COLLETT 1925-2006 Scottish Birds Vol 27: 78 2007
A W (Tony) COLLING 1917-2001 Scottish Birds Vol 22: 115 2001
Sir Charles Gibson CONNELL 1899-1985 Scottish Birds Vol 13: 185 1985
C N L COWPER 1928-2002 Scottish Birds Vol 24: 43 2003
Bill CRAWFORD 1898?-1964 Scottish Birds Vol 3: 324 1965
W A J (Peter) CUNNINGHAM 1918-2014 Scottish Birds Vol 34: 306 2014
Andrew CURRIE 1930-2012 Scottish Birds Vol 32: 226 2012
Frank Fraser DARLING 1903-1979 Scottish Birds Vol 11: 26 1980
Robert Christie DICKSON 1933-2011 Scottish Birds Vol 32: 226 2012
Jean Murray (Jan) DONNAN 1930-2011 Scottish Birds Vol 32: 37 2012
Henry Montagu DOUGLAS-HOME 1907-1980 Scottish Birds Vol 11: 124 1980
Ian R DOWNHILL ****-1963 Scottish Birds Vol 2: 497 1963
Sir Arthur DUNCAN 1909-1984 Scottish Birds Vol 13: 160 1985
George Mackenzie DUNNET 1928-1995 Scottish Birds Vol 18: 122 1995
Roger Frank DURMAN 1944-2003 Scottish Birds Vol 25: 63 2005
EARL OF WEMYSS & MARCH 1912-2008 Scottish Birds Vol 29: 42 2009
Dr W J EGGELING 1909-1994 Scottish Birds Vol 17: 178 1994
Hugh Francis Douglas ELDER 1913-1977 Scottish Birds Vol 10: 59 1978
Richard EVANS 1964-2016 Scottish Birds Vol 36: 307 2016
James FISHER 1912-1970 Scottish Birds Vol 6: 285 1971
Klaus Dietrich FIUCZYNSKI 1938-2014 Scottish Birds Vol 36: 219 2016
Bruce C FORRESTER 1955-2002 Scottish Birds Vol 23: 55 2002
Matt FORRESTER 1911-1969 Scottish Birds Vol 5: 401 1969
Len FULLERTON 1909-1969 Scottish Birds Vol 6: 54 1970
Elizabeth A GARDEN 1918-1963 Scottish Birds Vol 2: 495 1963
Dr Jack A (John Alan) GIBSON 1926-2013 Scottish Birds Vol 33: 238 2013
Seton Paul GORDON 1886-1977 Scottish Birds Vol 9: 307 1977
David HAMILTON 1877-1967 Scottish Birds Vol 5: 55 1968
Maxwell Kerr HAMILTON 1915-1985 Scottish Birds Vol 13: 271 1985
John HARDEY             1950-2019 Scottish Birds Vol 40: 52 2020
Hetty Louisa HARPER 1915-2000 Scottish Birds Vol 21: 119 2000
William Gerald HARPER 1915-1995 Scottish Birds Vol 18: 126 1995
Raymond G HAWLEY 1935-2017 Scottish Birds Vol 38: 143 2018
Paul HAWORTH 1951-2018 Scottish Birds Vol 39: 140 2019
Clifford HENTY 1934-2018 Scottish Birds Vol 38: 244 2018
Dr Raymond HEWSON 1921-2011 Scottish Birds Vol 32: 36 2012
Dr Constance HIGGINBOTTOM 1905-1962 Scottish Birds Vol 2: 340 1963
Ivan HILLS 1914-1999 Scottish Birds Vol 21: 120 2000
Alan HILTON 1958-2001 Scottish Birds Vol 23: 55 2002
Commander Sir Geoffrey HUGHES-ONSLOW 1893-1971 Scottish Birds Vol 7: 98 1972
Charles J INKSTER 1874?-1964 Scottish Birds Vol 3: 150 1964
Tom IRVING ****-1991 Scottish Bird News 25: 15 1992
Robert Marshall Craig LAMBIE 1935-1999 Scottish Birds Vol 21: 56 2000
Ian LANGFORD 1956-2017 Scottish Birds Vol 38: 47 2018
Stan LAYBOURNE 1941-2012 Scottish Birds Vol 32: 225 2012
Rev John LEES ****-1961 Scottish Birds Vol 1: 376 1961
William Miles LOGAN-HOME 1884-1977 Scottish Birds Vol 9: 350 1977
James D LOUGH 1936-2019 Scottish Birds Vol 39: 324 2019
Alastair MACDONALD ****-1975 Scottish Birds Vol 8: 385 1975
Donald M MACDONALD 1912-2002 Scottish Birds Vol 24: 44 2003
Elsie MACDONALD 1883-1976 Scottish Birds Vol 9: 310 1977
James Watt MACDONALD 1928-1988 Scottish Birds Vol 15: 185 1989
James MACGEOCH ****-1970 Scottish Birds Vol 6: 216 1970
Keith S MACGREGOR 1930-2015 Scottish Birds Vol 35: 324 2015
Mike MADDERS 1957-2009 Scottish Birds Vol 30: 33 2010
The Rt Hon The Earl MANSFIELD 1900-1971 Scottish Birds Vol 6: 450 1971
Archie MATHIESON 1937-2014 Scottish Birds Vol 35: 227 2015
Robert MCCURLEY 1934-2019 Scottish Birds Vol 39: 323 2019
John Morell MCWILLIAM 1883-1968 Scottish Birds Vol 5: 113 1968
Campbell MCLELLAN 1933-2016 Scottish Birds Vol 37: 34 2017
Eric Richard MEEK 1947-2017 Scottish Birds Vol 37: 141 2017
Professor M F M (Matthew Fontaine Maury) MEIKLEJOHN 1913-1974 Scottish Birds Vol 8: 82 1974
John K R MELROSE 1926-1913 Scottish Birds Vol 34: 21 2014
John MITCHELL 1934-2019 Scottish Birds Vol 39: 322 2019
Ian MUNRO 1910-1996 Scottish Birds Vol 18: 188 1996
Michael Helsdon MURPHY 1935-2011 Scottish Birds Vol 31: 229 2011
Raymond David MURRAY 1950-2016 Scottish Birds Vol 37: 31 2017
Christopher Kenneth MYLNE 1927-2018 Scottish Birds Vol 38: 243 2018
J Bryan NELSON 1932-2015 Scottish Birds Vol 35: 231 2015
Desmond NETHERSOLE-THOMPSON 1908-1989 Scottish Birds Vol 15: 138 1989
Maimie NETHERSOLE-THOMPSON 1930-2015 Scottish Birds Vol 36: 16 2016
Philip NEWMAN 1954-2013 Scottish Birds Vol 33: 129 2013
Brian ORR 1961-2013 Scottish Birds Vol 33: 323 2013
J M A OSBORNE 1948-2014 Scottish Birds Vol 34: 230 2014
Gerry OWENS 1957-2013 Scottish Birds Vol 34: 22 2014
C E (Charles Eric) PALMAR 1916-1986 Scottish Birds Vol 14: 52 1986
Tom PATERSON ****-1975 Scottish Birds Vol 8: 328 1975
Ian Balfour PAUL 1916-2010 Scottish Birds Vol 31: 26 2011
Mike PEACOCK   1953-2019 Scottish Birds Vol 40: 50 2020
Major Alastair PEIRSE-DUNCOMBE 1923-2001 Scottish Birds Vol 22: 120 2001
Dr Ian Durance PENNIE 1916-2002 Scottish Birds Vol 23: 57 2002
Joe POTTER 1933-2015 Scottish Birds Vol 36: 218 2016
GR (Dick) POTTS 1939-2017 Scottish Birds Vol 37: 142 2017
Bede POUNDER ****-2019 Scottish Birds Vol 39: 325 2019
John Peden PRINGLE 1931-2011 Scottish Birds Vol 31: 138 2011
R A (Richard Alan) RICHARDSON 1922-1977 Scottish Birds Vol 10: 25 1978
L J (Leonora Jeffrey) RINTOUL 1878-1953 Scottish Naturalist Vol 65: 137 1953
Professor-Emeritus James RITCHIE 1882-1958 Scottish Birds Vol 1: 54 1959
Henry ROBB 1933-2016 Scottish Birds Vol 36: 150 2016
Robert Robertson ****-1991 Scottish Bird News 23: 15 1991
Dr Dorothy (Betty) ROWLING 1915-2012 Scottish Birds Vol 33: 127 2013
R I (Dick) ROXBURGH 1920-2001 Scottish Birds Vol 22: 114 2001
Dr Maeve RUSK 1918-2011 Scottish Birds Vol 31: 136 2011
G L (Gerard Lionel) SANDEMAN 1909-1999 Scottish Birds Vol 21: 58 2000
Patrick Watt SANDEMAN 1913-2006 Scottish Bird News 81: 5 2006
Charles William SANDERSON 1895?-1967 Scottish Birds Vol 5: 56 1968
Ian SANDISON 1947-2020 Scottish Birds Vol 40: 255 2020
Christopher John SAVORY 1943-2020 Scottish Birds Vol 40: 138 2020
Bob SCOTT 1938-2009 Scottish Birds Vol 29: 131 2009
Ritchie SEATH 1907-1996 Scottish Birds Vol 18: 254 1996
Rev Dr William SERLE 1912-1992 Scottish Birds Vol 17: 66 1993
Andrew SHEPHERD 1931-2013 Scottish Birds Vol 33: 236 2013
R D SMILLIE 1920-1990 Scottish Birds Vol 16: 48 1990
Elizabeth Munro SMITH 1922-2015 Scottish Birds Vol 35: 228 2015
Robert Wood Jackson SMITH 1922-2001 Scottish Birds Vol 22: 117 2001
Dr Vernon D van SOMEREN 1915-1962 Scottish Birds Vol 2: 108 1962
Frank SPRAGGE 1930-2014 Scottish Birds Vol 34: 309 2014
Lt-Col J K STANFORD 1892-1971 Scottish Birds Vol 7: 58 1972
Jimmy STEELE 1962-2017 Scottish Birds Vol 38: 48 2018
A C STEPHEN 1893?-1966 Scottish Birds Vol 4: 257 1966
A Graham STEWART ****-1988 Scottish Bird News 11: 12 1988
James STEWART 1926-2014 Scottish Birds Vol 35: 32 2015
George STOUT 1887?-1966 Scottish Birds Vol 4: 255 1966
James Anderson STOUT 1911-2013 Scottish Birds Vol 33: 127 2013
Valerie MacLaren THOM 1929-1998 Scottish Birds Vol 19: 307 1998
Michael James THOMAS 1933-2010 Scottish Birds Vol 30: 127 2010
Sir Arthur Landsborough THOMSON 1890-1977 Scottish Birds Vol 9: 351 1977
Ian Murray THOMSON c.1895-1964 Scottish Birds Vol 3: 92 1964
Helen TODD ****-1963 Scottish Birds Vol 3: 43 1964
Robert (Bobby) John TULLOCH 1929-1926 Scottish Birds Vol 19: 59 1997
Brian TURNER 1920-2013 Scottish Birds Vol 33: 237 2013
Louis A URQUART 1910-2001 Scottish Birds Vol 22: 119 2001
Rev E T VERNON 189?-1967 Scottish Birds Vol 5: 53 1968
Lance Leonard Joseph VICK 1938-2017 Scottish Birds Vol 37: 227 2017
George WATERSTON 1911-1980 Scottish Birds Vol 11: 121 1980
May Irene WATERSTON 1914-1984 Scottish Birds Vol 13: 125 1984
Adam WATSON 1930-2019 Scottish Birds Vol 39: 207 2019
Donald WATSON 1918-2005 Scottish Bird News 79: 1 2006
Jeff WATSON 1952-2007 Scottish Birds Vol 28: 53 2008
Duncan WATT 1949-2016 Scottish Birds Vol 36: 304 2016
Peter WEBSTER 1950-2003 Scottish Birds Vol 24: 51 2004
The Hon Douglas Nigel WEIR 1935-2000 Scottish Birds Vol 21: 121 2000
Kenneth WILLIAMSON 1914-1977 Scottish Birds Vol 9: 352 1977
David Ronald WILSON 1926-2020 Scottish Birds Vol 40: 254 2020
James Stewart WILSON 1939-2009 Scottish Birds Vol 29: 130 2009
James WOOD 1944-2014 Scottish Birds Vol 34: 308 2014
Graham J Wren 1936-2018 Scottish Birds Vol 39: 22 2019
Vero Copner WYNNE-EDWARDS 1906-1997 Scottish Birds Vol 19: 61 1997
James F YOUNG ****-1994 Scottish Bird News 36: 8 1994
Russell YOUNG 1936-2007 Scottish Birds Vol 28: 52 2008