Scottish Birds

Back issues of the Club’s journal, Scottish Birds, can now be downloaded for free and in searchable PDF format here (up to Scottish Birds 33(4) (2013)) or from the Biodiversity Heritage Library website (up to Scottish Birds 35(4)(2015)). For information on the current issue of Scottish Birds, please click here.

Scottish Bird News

Editors: Jimmy Maxwell and Ian Francis

The quarterly magazine of the SOC until March 2009, Scottish Bird News is now provided under the cover of Scottish Birds.

Scottish Bird News (SBN) has now been digitised and is available online at the Biodiversity Heritage library or can now be downloaded for free and in searchable PDF format here (from Volume 29 onwards up to Scottish Birds 33(4) (2013))

The views expressed in articles in SBN are not necessarily the policy of the SOC.

Records of species and subspecies recorded in Scotland on up to 20 occasions

Authors: Ian Andrews and Keith Naylor (on behalf of Scottish Birds Records Committee)

Published in December 2002, this special 56-page issue of Scottish Birds contains a definitive list of records of species and subspecies recorded in Scotland on up to 20 occasions. Each record is listed with details of site, date, observers and references.

Copies are available from Waterston House; contact us for details. This publication is also available to download free from Scottish Birds online, click here for details.

Birds of St Kilda

Author: Stuart Murray

Published in June 2002, this special 64-page supplement to Scottish Birds is a summary of the birds of this fascinating group of Scottish islands.

The book includes sections on the development of ornithology on St Kilda, conclusions and the future together with a comprehensive systematic list of all the species ever recorded there. Published by the SOC with financial support from Scottish Natural Heritage, Birds of St Kilda is now sold out.

A Guide to Bird Watching in the Clyde Area

This publication has now sold out.

Scottish Raptor Monitoring Scheme Report

The Scottish Raptor Monitoring Scheme Report is an annual publication of the SOC, produced on behalf of the Scottish Raptor Monitoring Group (SRMG), of which SOC is a partner. The report replaces the annual Raptor Round-up produced up to 2002.

It provides a summary of the work of the SRMG and includes status summaries for each of the 14 species of birds of prey, four species of owls and the Common Raven. Details are given of the population monitoring and productivity of Scotland’s raptors. In addition the publication now contains some wider content which showcases what the SRMG does and how the data can be used to further raptor conservation.

The report is compiled by Amy Challis (Scottish Raptor Monitoring Coordinator) and Mark Wilson.

The latest report, along with previous years’, can be downloaded in PDF format from the Scottish Raptor Study Group’s website. The Report is supported by grant aid from Scottish Natural Heritage.

Scottish Bird Report

Editor: Ray Murray

The Scottish Bird Report (SBR) was an annual summary of our knowledge of the birds in Scotland for a particular year. Publishing of this report ended with the issue covering 2001.

While detailed records from individual areas are published in local bird reports, the SBR is a review covering all 21 recording areas in the country. It draws together the diverse records presented in local reports and attempts to summarise numbers, arrival and departure dates, breeding numbers and success, as well as records of rarities and sub-rarities across Scotland. Occasional summaries of species status appear in the SBR, usually where something significant has occurred in the year in question. These usually review the past status of the species and place the occurrences in context.

It is with much sadness that the Club lost long-standing SOC Borders recorder, Ray Murray, in September 2016. Ray’s contribution to Scottish ornithology and to the SOC was immense and he will be greatly missed. An obituary was published in Scottish Birds Vol 37 (1), March 2017.