Bringing young voices to SOC birding and science work

SOC is seeking expressions of interest from young people aged 18-30 to help shape its work to improve knowledge of Scotland's birds and to involve more people in birdwatching and recording birds - all to provide more information to support conservation.

We are looking for two young people to join our Birding & Science Committee (BSC), chaired by our Vice-President, Chris Wernham. BSC supports the work of our Birding Officer, David Raffle. Together, they plan and carry out a range of activities, including supporting the Bird Recording network across Scotland, thinking about ways to collect and collate more bird information and fill gaps in knowledge, designing training opportunities and workshops to help people develop their knowledge and skills, and designing communications to increase interest in Scotland's birds. BSC is also currently overseeing an exciting Rock Pipit tracking project using the MOTUS tracking system. BSC meets fours times a year (mostly virtually).

We are also looking for one young person to join our Research & Surveys Committee (RSC), chaired by Ron Summers. RSC is responsible for considering grant applications to the SOC's Research and Survey's Endowment Fund, and meets once a year. It would be possible to sit on both RSC and BSC if you have the time and interest.

If you are interested, please contact David Raffle ( providing the following information:

  • Your name, date of birth and contact e-mail
  • Your experience and knowledge of birds and birdwatching (in Scotland or from elsewhere) and of bird research/ornithology in Scotland (or other parts of the UK)
  • Reason(s) why you would like to join one or both committees

Please do also contact David if you would like to discuss this opportunity informally before applying. The closing date for expressions of interest is Friday 8 March 2024. We really hope to hear from you!

Image: Rock Pipit © Bob Hamilton