SOC Vice-President Birding and Science vacancy

SOC Vice-President Birding and Science vacancy

VACANCY: SOC Vice-President Birding and Science

The Vice-President Birding and Science is one of five office bearers, elected by the membership at an Annual General Meeting on the recommendation of SOC Council (the Club’s board of Trustees) via its Appointments Panel. The initial period of appointment is four years from the date of the AGM at which the election was held, with the office holder eligible for election for a further two-year period. On appointment, the Vice-President Birding and Science becomes one of the Trustees of the Club and is expected to be aware of the legal responsibilities that this entails and to exercise these to the benefit of the Club, in alignment with the provisions of the Charity’s Constitution.

Primary Responsibilities

The Vice-President Birding and Science has responsibility for the strategic development of the ornithological activities of the SOC, including bird surveys and monitoring, bird recording, and research. This is achieved through chairing the SOC’s Birding and Science Committee and oversight of the work programme of the Birding and Science Officer, liaising as required with the Scottish Birds Records Committee, SOC Research & Surveys Committee and the editors of Scottish Birds.  The office holder is expected to provide reports to SOC Council via its quarterly meetings and attend meetings of the Council’s Strategy working group. If required, the Vice-President Birding & Science may be called upon to deputise for the President, including acting as Chair at meetings of SOC Council and the Annual General Meeting.

How to apply: Please complete a note of interest and email it to Wendy Hicks.


Waterston House image © June Scott