Trustee opportunity: SOC Vice-President Management and Infrastructure
Vice-President Management and Infrastructure

The Vice-President Management and Infrastructure (“VP”) is one of five office bearers, elected by the membership at an Annual General Meeting on the recommendation of the Club’s Trustees (“Council”).

The initial period of appointment is for four years from the date of the AGM at which the election was held. Re-appointment for a further two-year term may be permitted at the discretion of SOC Council. On appointment, the VP becomes one of the Trustees of the Club and is expected to be aware of the legal responsibilities that this entails and to exercise these to the benefit of the Club as a charity.

Primary Responsibilities
The VP has responsibility for overseeing the effective operation of Waterston House as the administrative headquarters of the Club. This is primarily through the operation of the Management Committee of Council where the VP acts as Committee Chair. Working closely with the Club Administrator and Office Manager, the VP  holds responsibility for ensuring the integrity of the physical fabric, the information technology infrastructure, and all matters relating to staffing, including involvement in staff annual appraisals. The post holder is expected to provide quarterly verbal reports at Council meetings by speaking to the Minutes of Management Committee meetings, produced by the Club Secretary. If required, the VP can be called upon to deputise for the President, including acting as Chair at Council meetings and the Annual General Meeting. While not essential, experience of managing small teams and/or property maintenance would be desirable for this role. 

Time Commitment
The VP is expected to attend four Council meetings and chair four Management Committee meetings each year.  The majority of meetings are currently carried out via video conference (Zoom), with one in-person meeting (Council meets at RSPB Loch Leven and Management Committee at Waterston House). In addition, it is expected that the VP will maintain regular contact with staff and fellow office bearers and be available to help carry out staff annual reviews.

Travel expenses
All Trustees are entitled to reimbursement of travel expenses to attend meetings or carry out other business on behalf of the Club. Please refer to the SOC Expenses Policy.

How to apply: Please complete an application form and email it to Wendy Hicks by 14 August 2023.


Waterston House image © June Scott