Trustee opportunity: Elected Council Member
Trustee opportunity: Elected Council Member


Elected Council Members will be members of the SOC who have a deep interest in helping to inform the Club’s future direction, working in a voluntary capacity with fellow Club representatives to help the SOC achieve its Charitable aims. 

Council comprises the five office bearers, a representative from each of the Club’s branches, and three elected members. Much of Council’s work is carried out by established sub committees e.g. Management, Finance, Library, Strategy, Birding & Science. These committees report to Council via the circulation of meeting minutes and highlighting any particular developments, for Council’s information or approval. A full list of Council members as well as members of the various sub committees can be found here.

As a member of Council, you are a Trustee of the Club. When we converted to a SCIO (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation) back in 2015, the SOC assumed ownership of its assets and, as such, Trustees have an obligation to ensure that the Club is run properly. So there is a degree of responsibility attached to being a Council member, and it does mean that Council can call the post holders to account.  Detailed guidance on being a Trustee is provided by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).

Specific information on how SOC Council is structured and how it operates can be found in the Club’s Constitution (items 21-33).

For a flavour of the type of business discussed by Council, approved minutes of past meetings are available on the SOC website.

What’s expected of an Elected Council Member?

Council members are elected by the membership at the SOC’s AGM (usually November) and the initial appointment is for three years, eligible for re-election thereafter.

The elected trustee is expected to attend Council meetings, which are held four times a year (currently three via Zoom and one in person at RSPB Loch Leven).

The President may invite Elected Members to form part of working groups or sub-committees of Council, where appropriate.

As a SCIO Trustee, you are required to complete a Trustee Declaration Form

While the role is a voluntary one, out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Council members carrying out SOC business will be reimbursed.

How to apply

Please complete a note of interest and email it to Wendy Hicks by 14 August 2023.


Waterston House image © June Scott