2014 Summer Migrant Arrival Table - updated 4 July

The 2014 Summer Migrants Arrival table, brought to you by Birdline Scotland, is available to view on the website.

Many thanks to everyone who contributed records once again this year for use in the migrant table. Special thanks to the local recorders who helped out, their contribution has been invaluable as always.

Latest update: Friday 4th July

2014 sees the 10th year of one of the most popular features on the SOC website, the table of summer migrant arrival dates in Scotland.

Your help is invaluable in ensuring  the table is as current and accurate as possible in relation to early arrival dates. It is hoped that the table will be updated as regularly as possible, potentially more than once a day during busy periods. All the updated tables for previous years are available to view on the summer migrant page.

To submit sightings for inclusion please phone the Birdline Scotland hotline number on 01292 611994 (24 hour answerphone service) or email birdlinescot@btconnect.com

The SOC’s network of Local Recorders have previously made use of these records for inclusion in local bird reports so it has proved to be an invaluable resource, as well as one of great interest, as it allows comparison of arrival dates between different years.