Arran Bird Report:
Jim Cassels, Bird Recorder for the Arran Natural History Society
Published by:
Arran Natural History Society
Latest issue:
The Arran Bird Report 2023 is a "must" for anyone interested in the birds of Arran. It includes information on all species seen on Arran, a month-by-month summary of what was around in 2023, information on ringed birds, reports on some of Arran's bird projects. It is in full colour and is beautifully illustrated with photographs from over twenty photographers. The uniqueness of Arran is reflected throughout the report, including the number of UK protected birds that share our island with us, as well as the differences between here and the adjacent mainland. More info is available here Arran Bird Reports
£9.99, plus £1.70 p&p
Available from:
The report is available from various outlets on Arran; please see the Arran Birding website for further details. It is also available directly from the distribution organisers for the Arran Natural History Society, priced £9.99 plus £1.70 p&p; please email them to purchase a copy.
First published:
Back issues:
Please see the Arran Birding website for more information.