The branch organises their field trips jointly with RSPB Central Ayrshire Local Group and outdoor leader Jim Thomson. There are two coach trips organised annually- one in winter and one in late spring. Members attending our monthly outings will have the benefit of an experienced observer who will be on hand to help with some of the trickier aspects of field identification.

All outings commence at 10am.

Saturday 15 March
Meet in car park opposite Wildings Hotel KA26 9NR

Wednesday 19 March
Fairlie & Hunterston. Meet in car park on A78 Irvine Road Fairlie KA29 0AL

Saturday 12 April
Pow Burn.
Meet in Kidz Play car park, Links Road, Prestwick KA91QG

Wednesday 16 April
Irvine & Gailes Marsh.
Meet outside Harbourmaster’s Cottage, KA12 8PZ

Wednesday 14 May
Dumfries House. Meet outside visitor Centre, KA18 2NJ

For further information, phone Anne Dick 01292 541981 / 07780 927244 or send Anne an email. For coach trips please contact Tony Scott on 01292 281085 or send an email.