Areas covered:

Mainland Fife

Local recorder for the area:

Graham Sparshott

07770 225440

Record submission:

Preferably by email to the Fife recorder, ideally using the Excel spread sheet found here, but any format can be accepted. 

Fife Bird Report 

Editorial Team:

Malcolm Ware, Graham Sparshott, Rob Armstrong, Keith Ballantyne

Area covered:

Mainland Fife and the Inner Forth islands

Published by:

Fife Bird Club

Latest issue:

2017 (digital only)

Available from:

Access to the most recent reports (2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017) can be arranged by contacting

Digitised versions of historic Fife Bird Reports are freely available to view in the Reports Archive section of  the Fife Bird Club website here.

First published:

Fife and Kinross Bird Report 1980-87, then Fife Bird Report from 1988.

The Breeding and Wintering Birds of Fife

This large format, hardback book brings up to date an earlier publication published in 2003, the Fife Bird Atlas (and for which a CD is still available if anyone should want one – please contact Norman Elkins). The current breeding and wintering status of birds in Fife is illustrated by 400 fine-scale maps. Click here to find out more about the atlas.

Fife Bird Records Committee:


Rob Armstrong, John Nadin, Ken Shaw, Kris Gibb, Mark Wilkinson and Graham Sparshott (Chair).

A records form for descriptions can be found here

Species that the committee considers:

Taiga Bean Goose, Tundra Bean Goose, Bewick’s Swan, Egyptian Goose, American Wigeon, Green-winged Teal, Garganey (females and eclipse drakes only), Red-crested Pochard, Ring-necked Duck, Surf Scoter (females and eclipse drakes only), Black Grouse, Capercaillie, White-billed Diver, Balearic Shearwater, Leach’s Petrel, Black-necked Grebe, White Stork, Glossy Ibis, Spoonbill, Bittern, Great White Egret, Red Kite, Honey Buzzard, Northern Goshawk (Juveniles in all circumstances, adults only away from established sites), Rough-legged Buzzard, Golden Eagle, Hobby, Spotted Crake, Common Crane, American Golden Plover, Temminck’s Stint, Pectoral Sandpiper, Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Red-necked Phalarope, Grey Phalarope, Sabine’s Gull, Ring-billed Gull, Glaucous Gull, Iceland Gull, Roseate Tern, Long-tailed Skua, Nightjar, Bee-eater, Golden Oriole, Chough, Hooded Crow, Marsh Tit, Willow Tit, Shore Lark, Richard’s Pipit, Barred Warbler, Pallas’s Warbler, Icterine Warbler, Siberian Chiffchaff, Firecrest, Nuthatch, Rose-coloured Starling, Bluethroat, Red-breasted Flycatcher, Hawfinch, Common Rosefinch, Common Redpoll, Lapland Bunting, and Water Pipit.

A description could also be required for other species not on the list whenever deemed necessary by the Recorder.

Useful links: