Talks and outings reminders:
Members who've consented to Local Branch news and events e-communications from SOC, are sent a reminder about forthcoming talks (with more information on the speaker and subject where possible), usually a week or so in advance of the meeting. A similar reminder service operates for outings. If you don’t already receive these alerts and would like to, please make sure you've completed a Mailing List Consent Form to allow the Club to contact you. If you've already completed a form, check your junk/spam/clutter folders to make sure our emails aren't landing there. Still nothing? Contact Headquarters as we may not have a correct or up to date email address on file for you.
Birds in Moray and Nairn is a comprehensive website operated by Martin. The site includes details of the latest sightings, forthcoming survey work (and how to get involved), branch meetings and outings, as well as giving users the option to view or print the latest and previous editions of the Moray & Nairn bird report – for free!
The branch has recently brought out a newsletter, published every two to three months and including updates on local events and training opportunities as well as photographs and other interesting articles. The most recent issue can be downloaded here (September 2022). Back issues of the newsletter can be downloaded here.
Minutes from the 2023 Moray Branch AGM:
Click here to download a copy of the minutes from the recent Moray Branch AGM.
Beginners Birdwatching courses:
Organised by Martin, these courses run periodically. Please contact Martin for more info.
Bird recording in this area
Visit the Moray & Nairn recording area page. A guide to different aspects of bird recording in the area can also be found at .
The Breeding Birds of North-East Scotland
Click here to read about this atlas, which covers Moray, Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City.