We're delighted to share details of the meetings season (September 2024 - April 2025) for members to enjoy. The full list, which will be held as a hybrid (online/in-person) programme, will be added to the website in due course. 

More information about each talk will be emailed to members around a week in advance of the event. To receive these emails (including Zoom joining instructions for online meetings), you must be signed up to the Branch News & Events - Talks & Workshops mailing list.



Wed 18 Sep       
Jonathan Meiburg – The Caracaras would like to meet you: introducing the world’s smartest and strangest birds of prey (online)

Mon 7 Oct         
Andrew Painting, NTS – The past, present and future of Crested Tits in Deeside: searching for an enigma in the pinewoods

Wed 16 Oct       
Dave Parish, NatureScot – Stepping up efforts to save Scotland’s critically endangered Chough (online)

Mon 4 Nov        
Louise Bacon, BTO & BBRC – British Birds Rarities Committee: past, present and YOU?

Wed 20 Nov      
Ian Thomson, RSPB – Ending raptor persecution on Scotland’s grouse moors? (online)

Mon 2 Dec         
Julie Black, JNCC – Net zero and space for nature: offshore wind farms, seabirds and climate change

Dates for January-April 2025 will be announced in due course.


John Wills
01467 651296

Venue for in-person meetings:

In-person meetings will be held at Main Lecture Theatre, Zoological Dept., University of Aberdeen, Tillydrone Ave, Aberdeen AB24 2TZ (click here to view a map of the venue and surrounding area).