Renew Online

Thank you for choosing to renew your SOC membership

Please complete the steps below to renew your subscription online. If you experience any difficulties in completing this form, please contact us on 01875 871 330.

If you already pay your annual membership subscription by Direct Debit, please do not complete a new Direct Debit mandate as we already have your bank details and your account will be debited automatically on or around your renewal date. If your bank details have changed recently, please contact us on the number above.

* Denotes essential field
† Digital Junior membership - one-off payment until aged 18 (payable by credit/debit card only)


We are pleased to offer the option of a digital membership. By switching to digital, you will have online-only access to the Club’s quarterly journal, Scottish Birds, and receive all other core membership information electronically.

A Full (print+digital) membership comprises a subscription to the printed copy of Scottish Birds in addition to access to the online version.

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