Part 1: General Papers etc.
General papers, short notes, letters, obituaries, corrigenda
- v01: p5-8 Report on Birds of the Clyde Area 1956 (M. F. M. Meiklejohn & C. E. Palmer).
- v01: p30-33 Review of Ornithological Changes in Scotland in 1957 (E. V. Baxter).
- v01: p54-55 The Edinburgh Bird Bulletin.
- v01: p56-64 Migrants at St Kilda in 1957 and 1958 (W. J. Eggeling).
- v01: p64-66 Report on Birds of the Clyde Area 1957-58 (M. F. M. Meiklejohn).
- v01: p82-91 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1958 (W. J. Eggeling).
- v01: p110-117 Birds of the Flannan Isles (M. Robson & P. Wills).
- v01: p117-120 Review of Ornithological Changes in Scotland in 1958 (E. V. Baxter).
- v01: p138-144 Migrants on North Sea Crossings 1951-1953 (C. K. Mylne).
- v01: p168 Dr E. V. Baxter.
- v01: p172-182 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1959 (W. J. Eggeling).
- v01: p225-227 Assisted Passage (C. P. Rawcliffe).
- v01: p253-259 Review of Ornithological Changes in Scotland in 1959 (J. W. Campbell).
- v01: p259-266 Birds at North Rona, October 1959 (J. Morton Boyd).
- v01: p266-268 A Landing on Sule Stack (K. Williamson & J. Boswall).
- v01: p295-327 A Comparison of “Drift-migration” at Fair Isle, The Isle of May and Spurn Point (D. Lack).
- v01: p354-362 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1960 (W. J. Eggeling).
- v01: p393-400 The Birds of Duddingston Loch, Edinburgh (J. Ritchie).
- v01: p400-416, 474 Check-list of the Birds of Duddingston Loch (D. R. Anderson & G. Waterston).
- v01: p418-424 Bird Names in Gaelic Folklore and Proverbs (P. Christison).
- v01: p443-446 Review of Ornithological Changes in Scotland in 1960 (J. W. Campbell).
- v01: p475-479 The Spread of some Sea-bird Colonies in the Forth (R. J. Smith).
- v02: p18-25 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1961 (W. J. Eggeling & A. Macdonald).
- v02: p66-74 Autumn Migration at St Kilda in 1961 (W. E. Waters).
- v02: p74-76 Some Notes from Skerryvore Lighthouse (W. A. Cameron).
- v02: p76-78 Notes from the Bass Rock (J. B. Nelson).
- v02: p89-96 The Stornoway Woods (W. A. J. Cunningham).
- v02: p113-164, 497 A Check-list of the Birds of Tentsmuir, Fife (J. Grierson).
- v02: p167-192 A Century of Bird-watching in Sutherland (I. D. Pennie).
- v02: p192-196 Review of Ornithological Changes in Scotland in 1961 (J. W. Campbell).
- v02: p227-233 The Birds of St Kilda – winter 1961-62 (W. E. Waters).
- v02: p278-286 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1962 (N. J. Gordon).
- v02: p293-300 Migrants at St Kilda in 1962 (W. E. Waters).
- v02: p342-350 Review of Ornithological Changes in Scotland in 1962 (D. G. Andrew).
- v02: p351-357 Notes from Island Roan, Sutherland (I. R. Downhill).
- v02: p357-360 Notes from the Bass Rock, 1962 (J. B. Nelson).
- v02: p360-363 Handa Bird Reserve, 1962 (G. Waterston).
- v02: p400-410 Recent developments at Fair Isle (P. Davis).
- v02: p410-414 Notes on the Birds of Bearasay, Lewis (M. Robson & P. Wills).
- v02: p414-416 Bird Watching on the Ythan Estuary (G. M. Dunnet).
- v02: p468-471 Scots in Denmark (T. C. Smout).
- v02: p471-473 A Fall of Migrants on a North Sea Crossing (P. G. R. Barbier).
- v03: p14-21 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1963 (N. J. Gordon).
- v03: p59-72 The Nature Conservancy and its work: with mainly ornithological examples (W. J. Eggeling).
- v03: p159 Scottish Ornithologists: Sir Robert Sibbald 1641-1722 (I. D. Pennie).
- v03: p167-177 Review of Ornithological Changes in Scotland in 1963 (D. G. Andrew).
- v03: p219-235 Research at Culterty Field Station (G. M. Dunnet et al. ).
- v03: p283-287 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1964 (N. J. Gordon).
- v03: p390-396 Review of Ornithological Changes in Scotland in 1964 (D. G. Andrew).
- v03: p397-404 Notes on the birds of Berneray, Mingulay and Pabbay (A. W. Diamond, R. J. Douthwaite & W. J. E. Indge).
- v03: p404-405 Further notes from Island Roan, Sutherland (I. R. Downhill).
- v04: p1-56 The Birds of Foula (E. E. Jackson).
- v04: p57-60 The significance of Foula as a migration station (C. K. Mylne).
- v04: p64-73 Scottish Ornithologists: Martin Martin c1656-1719 (I. D. Pennie).
- v04: p74-79 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1965 (N. J. Gordon).
- v04: p126-142 Ornithology in Scotland: A historical review (I. D. Pennie).
- v04: p142-151 The Scottish bird observatories (W. J. Eggeling).
- v04: p151-158 Bird ringing in Scotland (A. L. Thomson).
- v04: p158-178 Scottish bird photographers (C. K. Mylne).
- v04: p179-203 Hill birds of the Cairngorms (A. Watson).
- v04: p272-286 The Scottish Bird-Islands Study Cruise – an intimate account (N. J. Gordon).
- v04: p286-293 Review of ornithological changes in Scotland in 1965 (D. G. Andrew).
- v04: p350-359 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1966 (N. J. Gordon).
- v04: p404-445 The birds of the Small Isles (P. R. Evans & W. U. Flower).
- v04: p467-480 Birds on Out Skerries, Shetland, 1966 (R. J. Tulloch).
- v04: p548-553 A visit to Stack Skerry and Sule Skerry (D. M. Stark).
- v05: p6-12 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1967 (Nancy J. Gordon).
- v05: p13-19; v05: p356 Review of ornithological changes in Scotland in 1966 (D. G. Andrew).
- v05: p89-104, 181 Breeding birds of Orkney (E. Balfour).
- v05: p126-155 The breeding birds of North Rona (M. J. H. Robson).
- v05: p155-170 October bird migrants at North Rona (R. H. Dennis & W. E. Waters).
- v05: p189-196 Birds killed by oil in the Tay Estuary, March and April 1968 (J. J. D. Greenwood & J. P. F. Keddie).
- v05: p204-208 Birds of the Scar Rocks – the Wigtownshire gannetry (J. G. Young).
- v05: p257-264 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1968 (N. J. Gordon).
- v05: p276-278 Aberdeen University fieldwork on St Kilda in 1968 (A. Anderson, G. Birnie, H. E. Dott & M. Marquiss).
- v05: p302-356; v06: p127, 401 Scottish Bird Report 1968 (A. T. Macmillan).
- v06: p62-128, 401, 402; v07: p162; v08: p279 Scottish Bird Report 1969 (A. T. Macmillan).
- v06: p129-136 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1969 (N. J. Gordon).
- v06: p142-149 The seabird wreck-autumn 1969 (A. G. Stewart).
- v06: p149-153 An oil spillage on Islay in October 1969 (M. A. Ogilvie & C. G. Booth).
- v06: p191-194 Effects of fire on moorland bird life on the Isle of Rhum (L. A. Batten).
- v06: p235-250 A massive wreck of oiled birds: north-east Britain, winter 1970 (J. J. D. Greenwood, R. J. Donally, C. J. Feare, Nancy J. Gordon & G. Waterston).
- v06: p255-267 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1970 (N. J. Gordon).
- v06: p267-271 Breeding birds of Tiree 1969 (B. Gillam & G. R. Jacobs).
- v06: p271-274 Breeding bird of Coll 1969-70 (J. G. Blatchford).
- v06: p296-313 The birds of Rhum in relation to a reafforestation programme (K. Williamson).
- v06: p347-402; v07: p162, 384; v08: p279 Scottish Bird Report 1970 (R. H. Dennis).
- v07: p66-75 Aspects of seabird movement off north-east Scotland (N. Elkins & M. R. Williams).
- v07: p75-89 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1971 (N. J. Gordon).
- v07: p107-163, 384; v08: p279 Scottish Bird Report 1971 (R. H. Dennis).
- v07: p243-256 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1972 (N. J. Gordon).
- v07: p324-385; v08: p279; v10: p153 Scottish Bird Report 1972 (R. H. Dennis).
- v08: p3-16 Impact of the oil industry on Scotland’s coasts and birds (G. M. Dunnet).
- v08: p16-31 Birds of the north-west Highland birchwoods (W. B. Yapp).
- v08: p43-53 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1973 (N. J. Gordon).
- v08: p53-62 Spitzbergen 1972 – ornithological work of the Aberdeen University expedition (A. Anderson, L. Campbell, W. Murray, D. P. Stone, R. L. Swann).
- v08: p93-148 The birds of the Isle of May – a revised assessment of status (W. J. Eggeling).
- v08: p211-279; v09: p235; v10: p394 Scottish Bird Report 1973 (R. H. Dennis).
- v08: p344-355 The birds of Strathbraan 1905-74: a salute to Charles Macintosh (C. J. Henty).
- v08: p356-363 The breeding birds of Crom Mhin, Loch Lomond (G. Shaw).
- v08: p363-377 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1974 (J. M. S. Arnott).
- v08: p395-467; v10: p153, 394; v11: p331 Scottish Bird Report 1974 (R. H. Dennis).
- v09: p37-68 The seabirds of Shetland in 1974 (M. P. Harris).
- v09: p93-102 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1975 (J. M. S. Arnott).
- v09: p173-235; v10: p153, 394 Scottish Bird Report 1975 (R. H. Dennis).
- v09: p245-262 Wildlife potential in the Cairngorms region (A. Watson).
- v09: p290-297 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1976 (J. M. S. Arnott).
- v09: p378-380 Ornithology in the Highlands and Islands (W. R. P. Bourne).
- v10: p2-10 A moonwatch study of nocturnal migration over central Scotland (C. J. Henty).
- v10: p11-17 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1977 (J. M. S. Arnott).
- v10: p17-21 Birdwatching on Loch Lomondside (J. Mitchell).
- v10: p38-50 Some breeding birds of Unst (G. Bundy).
- v10: p73-153, 315, 394; v11: p331 Scottish Bird Reports 1976-1977 (R. H. Dennis, R. H. Hogg, A. Brown, R. W. Forrester & D. J. Bates).
- v10: p158-174 Colonization of Scotland by northern birds, 1820-1977 (R. D. Murray).
- v10: p174-179 Birdwatching on the Isle of Mull (R. F. Coomber).
- v10: p229-233 Birdwatching at Aberlady Bay Nature Reserve (R. G. Nisbet).
- v10: p247-261 The cliff-breeding seabirds of east Caithness in 1977 (G. P. Mudge).
- v10: p271-275 Birds and North Sea oil production platforms (T. D. H. Merrie).
- v10: p306-311 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1978 (J. M. S. Arnott).
- v10: p311-314 Birdwatching at the Loch of Strathbeg (J. Dunbar).
- v10: p349; v11: p331 Scottish Bird report 1978 (R. H. Dennis).
- v11: p1-12 Beached birds at selected Orkney beaches 1976-8 (P. Hope Jones).
- v11: p13-20 The seabirds of Berwickshire (S. R. D. & E. S. da Prato).
- v11: p20-24 Birdwatching at Loch Garten (S. Taylor).
- v11: p48-51 Birdwatching on Rhum (J. A. Love).
- v11: p73-78 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1979 (J. M. S. Arnott).
- v11: p78-82 Birdwatching on the Forth estuary (D. M. Bryant).
- v11: p97-108 Bird mortality following the Esso Bernicia oil spill, Shetland, December 1978 (M. Heubeck & M. G. Richardson).
- v11: p113-116 Birdwatching in Ayrshire (A. Hogg).
- v11: p141 George Waterston – a tribute.
- v11: p159-164 Birdwatching on the Clyde islands (J. A. Gibson).
- v11: p188-193 Birdwatching in Galloway (D. Watson).
- v11: p214-219 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1980 (B. Zonfrillo).
- v11: p220-223 Birdwatching in and around Perth (Valerie M. Thom).
- v11: p237-253 Seabird populations of Foula (R. W. Furness).
- v11: p257-262 Birdwatching in Galloway (D. Watson).
- Scottish Bird Report 1979-1980 (R. H. Dennis).
- v12: p3-11 Seabird movements around western Islay (K. Verrall & W. R. P. Bourne).
- v12: p17-22 Birdwatching on the Clyde islands (J. A. Gibson).
- v12: p43-49 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1981 (B. Zonfrillo).
- v12: p49 Harvie-Brown – a profile (J. A. Love)
- v12: p81-85 Birdwatching at St Abb’s Head (S. R. D. da Prato).
- v12: p113-117 Birdwatching in Sutherland (I. D. Pennie).
- v12: p154-157 Birdwatching in Lewis and Harris (W. A. J. Cunningham).
- v12: p174-180 Seabird populations of the Isle of May (M. P. Harris & H. Galbraith).
- v12: p186-190 Birdwatching in the Eighties – Fair Isle (Nick Riddiford).
- v12: p218-224 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1982 (B. Zonfrillo).
- v12: p246-251 The phenomenal migrant fall of October 1982 (P. Ellis).
- v12: p252-255 Birdwatching in the Moorfoots (R. W. J. Smith).
- v12: p281 Scottish Bird Report 1981 & 1982 (R. H. Dennis).
- v13: p15-19 Birdwatching in Inverness (R. H. Dennis).
- v13: p34-39 The Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station 1934 to 1984: some personal reflections (J. H. B. Munro).
- v13: p40-47 Long-term seabird monitoring on the Isle of Canna (R. L. Swann & A. D. K. Ramsay).
- v13: p66-73 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1983 (B. Zonfrillo).
- v13: p77-83 Breeding seabirds on the Yell Sound Islands, Shetland (J. A. Fowler, M. Heubeck & R. J. Tulloch).
- v13: p83-86 Birdwatching on the East Lothian coast (S. R. D. da Prato).
- v13: p111-114 The Year of an Orcadian Field (P. Heppleston).
- v13: p155-159 Bird research at the University of Glasgow (R. W. Furness).
- v13: p179-182 Scavenging of salmon carcasses by birds (R. Hewson).
- v13: p183-184 Ornithological studies at Dundee University (J. J. D. Greenwood).
- v13: p203-216 The breeding birds of agricultural land in south-east Scotland (S. R. D. da Prato).
- v13: p217-224 Isle Of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1984 (B. Zonfrillo).
- v13: p258-262 Counts of some breeding birds in two recently afforested areas of Kintyre (S. J. Petty).
- v13: p292; v14: p123 Scottish Bird Report 1983 & 1984 (A. Hogg).
- v14: p1-7 The first 50 years of the SOC (W. J. Eggeling).
- v14: p25-32 Breeding seabirds of Noss, Shetland (N. A. Willcox, M. G. Richardson & C. P. Dore).
- v14: p61-67 The distribution and abundance of some coastal birds on the west and north-west coasts of Scotland in winter (M. E. Moser, R. A. Broad, R. H. Dennis & M. Madders).
- v14: p89-129, 255 Scottish Bird Report 1985 (A. Hogg).
- v14: p153 William Eagle Clarke, ISO, LLD (1853-1938) (I. D. Pennie).
- v14: p157-167 A comparative study of bird numbers in different habitats at Penicuik, Midlothian (Barbara E. H. Sumner).
- v14: p199-204 The seabirds of Troup and Pennan Heads 1979-86 (C. S. Lloyd & S. G. North).
- v14: p219-260 Scottish Bird Report 1986 (A. Hogg).
- v15: p21-29 The seabirds of St Kilda, 1987 (M. L. Tasker, P. R. Moore & R. A. Schofield).
- v15: p83-89 The breeding birds North Ronaldsay, Orkney (M. G. Pennington).
- v15: p119-125 The food of some young seabirds on Fair Isle in 1986-1988 (M. P. Harris & N. J. Riddiford).
- v15: p151-155 Damage to fish by seabirds in the Moray Firth (J. R. G. Hislop & W. S. MacDonald).
- v15: p170-177 The breeding birds of some built-up areas in south-east Scotland (S. R. D. da Prato).
- v15: p189 Scottish Bird Report 1987-88 (W. G. Harper).
- v16: p113-130 Breeding birds of Hermaness (M. G. Pennington, A. R. Martin & M. Heubeck).
- v16: p200-204 Counts of Seabirds in Easter Ross in 1969-91 (R. L. Swann).
- v16: p240-259 Recent status change of some birds on Islay (M. A. Ogilvie).
- v17: p1-8 Research on mountain birds and their habitats (D. B. A. Thompson & D. P. Whitfield).
- v17: p125-126 The density and species diversity of songbird populations in northern upland spruce plantations (I. J. Patterson & J. G. Ollason).
- v17: p146-159 Scottish List (R. W. Forrester).
- v18: p78-87 Seabirds of Handa Island (J. G. Stoneman & N. A. Willcox).
- v18: p129-131 Amendments to the Scottish list (R. W. Forrester).
- v18: p132-143 Records of species recorded in Scotland on 5 or fewer occasions (P. R. Gordon & D. Clugston).
- v19: p195-205 Changes in breeding bird populations in peatlands and young forestry in north east Sutherland and Caithness between 1988 and 1995 (M. Hancock & M. Avery).
- v19: p231-238 The breeding bird community of upland Juniper scrub in eastern Scotland (S. Gillings & R. J. Fuller).
- v19: p259-261 Amendments to the Scottish List (R. W. Forrester).
- v20: p1-5 The breeding birds of Auskerry, Orkney, 1969-1998 (R. G. Adam & C. J. Booth).
- v20: p6-13 The use, abuse and misuse of crow cage traps in Scotland: a report on behalf of the Scottish Raptor Study Groups and the RSPB (D. Dick & A. Stronach).
- v20: p81-93 Bird numbers in an Aberdeenshire glen in March-June 1987-1999 (D. Jenkins & A. Watson).
- v01: p22 James Bartholomew.
- v01: p54 Professor Emeritus James Ritchie.
- v01: p240 Samuel Bruce.
- v01: p376 Rev. John Lees, of Avoch, Ross-shire.
- v01: p450 John Bain.
- v02: p108 Dr Vernon D. Van Someren.
- v02: p495 Elizabeth A. Garden.
- v02: p497 Ian R. Downhill.
- v03: p43 Helen Todd.
- v03: p92 Ian Murray Thomson FRPS.
- v03: p150 Charles J. Inkster.
- v03: p324 Bill Crawford.
- v04: p255 George Stout.
- v04: p257 A. C. Stephen DSc FRSE.
- v04: p258 Wilfrid Backhouse Alexander.
- v05: p53 Rev. E. T. Vernon.
- v05: p55 David Hamilton.
- v05: p56 Charles William Sanderson.
- v05: p113 John Morell McWilliam.
- v05: p401 Matt Forrester.
- v06: p54 Len Fullerton.
- v06: p216 James MacGeoch.
- v06: p285 James Fisher.
- v06: p340 Dr James William Campbell.
- v06: p450 The Rt. Hon The Earl of Mansfield.
- v07: p58 Lt.-Col. J. K. Stanford OBE MC.
- v07: p98 Commander Sir Geoffrey H. Hughes-Onslow.
- v08: p82 Matthew Fontaine Maury Meiklejohn.
- v08: p86 Henry Boase.
- v08: p328 Tom Paterson.
- v08: p385 Alastair Macdonald.
- v09: p69 Eddie Balfour.
- v09: p307 Seton Paul Gordon.
- v09: p309 Duncan Robertson Anderson.
- v09: p310 Elsie Macdonald.
- v09: p350 William Miles Logan-Home.
- v09: p351 Arthur Landsborough Thomson.
- v09: p352 Kenneth Williamson.
- v10: p25 Richard Alan Richardson.
- v10: p59 Hugh Francis Douglas Elder.
- v10: p277 David Armitage Bannerman OBE LL D Sc D FRSE.
- v11: p26 Frank Fraser Darling.
- v11: p121 George Waterston OBE LL D FRSE.
- v11: p124 Henry Montagu Douglas-Home.
- v11: p196 Leslie Hilton Brown OBE.
- v11: p265 William Brotherston BL SSC NP.
- v13: p125 May Irene Waterston 1914-1984.
- v13: p160 Sir Arthur Duncan 1909-1984.
- v13: p185 Sir Charles Gibson Connell JP FRSE WS.
- v13: p271 Maxwell Kerr Hamilton 1915-1985.
- v14: p53 Charles Eric Palmar 1919-1986.
- v15: p93 Robert Carrick 1911-1988.
- v15: p138 Desmond Nethersole-Thompson 1908-1989.
- v15: p185 James Watt Macdonald 1928-1988.
- v16: p48 R. D. Smillie 1920-1990.
- v17: p66 Dr William Serle OBE 1912-1992.
- v17: p178 Dr W. J. Eggeling CBE FRSE.
- v18: p122 George Mackenzie Dunnet 1928-1995.
- v18: p126 William Gerald Harper 1915-1995.
- v18: p186 Dr Norah Armstrong – Died 1996.
- v18: p188 Ian Munro 1910-1996.
- v18: p254 Ritchie Seath 1907-1996.
- v19: p58 Malcolm Castle 1923-1996.
- v19: p59 Robert “Bobby” John Tulloch MBE 1929-96.
- v19: p61 Vero Copner Wynne-Edwards CBE FRS FRSE 1906-1997.
- v19: p307 Valerie MacLaren Thom 1929-1998.
- v19: p310 John Morton Boyd 1925-1998.
- v20: p46 Archibald Gordon Stuart Bryson 1912-1999.
- v01: p194 Notes from Islay
- v01: p489 Records from Shetland, Summer 1961
- v02: p363 Further Notes on some Sutherland Records
- v04: p80 Autumn notes from the Isle of Iona
- v05: p170 Breeding birds of Whalsay, Shetland
- v05: p278 Some observations on birds at sea off north-west Scotland
- v06: p278 Hard times and the disadvantage of deformity
- v07: p201 Birds at Rockall
- v09: p342 Predation of seabirds by Grey Seals
- v10: p233 Seals and water birds
- v12: p53 Predation of birds by Pine Martens
- v12: p89 Persistent predators
- v15: p178 Foraging birds favouring burnt ground in harvested fields
- v16: p285 Predation of birds’ eggs and chicks by herbivorous mammals
- v04: p262 The Birds of Renfrewshire
- v04: p263 Notes on the birds of Berneray, Mingulay and Pabbay
- v04: p265 Notes from the Isle of Iona
- v04: p327 The birds of Cramond
- v06: p453 Oiled birds and the animal – welfare societies
- v07: p267 Birds on Rockall
- v09: p388 Wildlife potential in the Cairngorms region
- v10: p66 Predation of seabirds by seals
- v10: p67 Predators and proverbs
- v10: p282, 317 Colonization of Scotland by northern birds
- v12: p233 Temporal abmigration – a new evolutionary concept
- v16: p143 The seabirds of Troup Head
- v17: p107 What is the scale of seabird movement across central Scotland?
- v17: p239 The influence of the weather on seabird movements across central Scotland