Part 3: non-passerines (from game birds)
Pheasants and Grouse Phasianidae
- v01: p283 Some observations on the Capercaillie (J. Harris).
- v02: p81-84 Aggressive Capercaillies (D. Jenkins & C. K. Mylne).
- v03: p3-13 Current research on Red Grouse in Scotland (D. Jenkins, A. Watson & G. R. Miller).
- v03: p331-349 Research on Scottish Ptarmigan (A. Watson).
- v04: p209 Sex and age ratios and weights of Capercaillie from the 1965-66 shooting season in Scotland (F. C. Zwickel).
- v06: p313-321; v07: p103 Characteristics of Pheasant x Capercaillie Hybrids (D. A. Boag, A. Watson & N. Bousfield).
- v15: p45 (1989 BR) Quail in Scotland, 1989 (R. D. Murray).
- v17: p20-26 A Survey of Black Grouse leks in Perthshire (M. C. Robinson, D. Baines & W. Mattingley).
- v17: p127-131 Research on Capercaillie and their habitat (R. Moss).
- v18: p11-19 Lek habitats of Capercaillie at Abernethy Forest, Strathspey (R. W. Summers, R. Proctor & S. I. H. Shah).
- v01: p94 Red-legged Partridge in Scotland
- v01: p186 Partridges nesting at high altitudes
- v01: p329 Red Grouse at St Kilda
- v02: p96 Red-legged Partridges in Perthshire
- v04: p88 Capercaillie x Black grouse hybrid in Perthshire
- v07: p258 Autumn aggression of Capercaillie
- v09: p347 Exceptional Red Grouse nest made of straw
- v12: p89 Persistent predators
- v15: p90 Red Grouse homing for 35 kilometres
- v16: p47 Capercaillie numbers on three Loch Lomond islands
- v17: p104 Hen Harriers systematically testing flocks of Ring-necked Pheasants
- v17: p235 Interaction between Red Grouse and Osprey
- v19: p117 Capercaillie and Black Grouse south of Banff in the 1940’s
- Ptarmigan v03: p353-355, 358; v06: p435; v09: p263
- Black Grouse v04: p91; v06: p318; v09: p385
- Capercaillie v02: p80; v04: p91; v12: p156 (16); v18: p32
Rails and Coots Rallidae
- v17: p27-39 Productivity of waterfowl breeding at Airthrey Loch, Stirling (M. V. Bell).
- v20: p14-17 The breeding status of the Spotted Crake in north east Scotland (I. Francis & A. Thorpe).
- v01: p12 Water Rail in Wester Ross
- v01: p187 Song of the Water Rail
- v01: p235 Little Crake in Shetland
- v02: p30 Spotted Crake in Midlothian
- v02: p34 Shell stripped from Coot’s egg
- v02: p365 Water Rails “scavenging” in open
- v02: p426 Spotted Crake in Kirkcudbrightshire
- v03: p31 Spotted Crake in Midlothian
- v03: p195 Parasitic association of Gadwall and Coot
- v03: p416 Spotted Crake in Dunbartonshire
- v04: p372 Spotted Crake in west Sutherland
- v06: p277 Little Crake at Fair Isle
- v07: p52 Corncrakes breeding in Stirlingshire
- v11: p53 The 1978 / 9 survey of Corncrakes in Britain
- v16: p211 Baillon’s Crake, Fair Isle, Shetland
- v16: p220 Alarm calls used by a presumed Spotted Crake in the Grampian Region
- v01: p73 Water Rail in Wester Ross
- v02: p219 Spotted Crake in Midlothian
- v16: p289 Baillon’s Crake at Fair Isle
- v17: p70 The Fair Isle Baillon’s Crake and other corpses
Cranes Gruiformes
- v01: p12 Probable Common Cranes in Shetland
- v01: p187 Crane in Sutherland
- v02: p245 Cranes in Aberdeenshire
- v02: p422 Cranes in Fife, Inverness-shire and Lanarkshire
- v04: p447 Crane in Aberdeenshire
- v04: p556 Cranes in north Argyll
Bustards Otididae
- Great Bustard v06: p162
SHOREBIRDS Charadriiformes:
Oystercatchers Haematopodidae
- v08: p299-308 Wintering wader populations on the rocky shores of eastern Scotland (R. W. Summers, N. K. Atkinson & M. Nicholl).
- v10: p38-50 Some breeding birds of Unst (G. Bundy).
- v11: p142-152 The breeding habitats of waders on North Uist machair (R. J. Fuller).
- v12: p38-43 Wintering coastal waders of Lewis and Harris (N. E. Buxton).
- v12: p65-72 The abundance and feeding distribution of Clyde Estuary shorebirds (J. B. Halliday, D. J. Curtis, D. B. A. Thompson, E. M. Bignal & J. C. Smyth).
- v12: p106-113 Wintering waders on the Atlantic shores of the Uists and Benbecula (N. E. Buxton).
- v12: p148-153 Breeding waders on agricultural land (H. Galbraith & R. W. Furness).
- v12: p180-186 Breeding waders of the Caithness flows (T. M. Reed, D. R. Langslow & F. L. Symonds).
- v12: p206-211 Winter wader populations on the open shores of northern Scotland (R. W. Summers & N. E. Buxton).
- v13: p2-7 Breeding Lowland Waders in east Sutherland (J. & C. F. Barrett).
- v13: p98-107 Habitats and distribution of waders breeding on Scottish agricultural land (H. Galbraith, R. W. Furness & R. J. Fuller).
- v14: p9-16 Breeding waders of blackland, moorland and agriculturally improved moorland in the Uists and Benbecula (M. W. Pienkowski, R. J. Fuller, D. B. Jackson & S. M. Percival).
- v15: p71-79 Waders on the coast of Shetland in winter: numbers and habitat preferences (R. W. Summers, P. M. Ellis & J. P. Johnston).
- v15: p97-105 Moray Basin wader populations (R. L. Swann & G. P. Mudge).
- v15: p106-113 Wintering wildfowl and waders at Aberdeen, 1975-1986 (M. V. Bell).
- v16: p90-105 Winter shorebird populations in Orkney (R. W. Summers, C. J. Corse, M. W. A. Martin & E. R. Meek).
- v18: p231-241 The numbers of breeding waders in lowland Scotland (M. O’Brien).
- v19: p36-54 Waterfowl counts on the Tay Estuary, 1985-1995 (N. Elkins & B. M. Lynch).
- v20: p73-80 Breeding population estimates for Lapwing, Oystercatcher, and Curlew in Scotland: results of the 1998 BTO Lapwing survey (A. M. Wilson & S. J. Browne).
- v06: p278 Hard times and the disadvantage of deformity (Oystercatcher)
- v11: p55 Starving Oystercatchers in Deeside after severe snowstorm
- v13: p268 Waders wintering on Colonsay and Oransay
- v13: p270 Oystercatcher laying in Lapwing nest
- v14: p184 Mixed clutch of Oystercatcher and Lapwing eggs incubated by an Oystercatcher
- v15: p91 Decline of shore waders at Loch Morlich
- v15: p182 Early return of Oystercatchers to north-east Scotland in spring 1989
- v18: p183 Oystercatchers nesting in clear cut forestry plantations
- v18: p184 Oystercatcher apparently rearing Lapwings
- v18: p197-204 Breeding waders in the Cairngorms Straths ESA in 1995 (N. Picozzi, D. C. Catt & R. P. Cummins).
- v19: p181 Oystercatcher incubating Lapwing clutch
- v10: p184 Wader counting on the rocky shores of East Lothian
- Oystercatcher v04: p166; v06: p264; v07: p83, 296, 411; v10: p54 (6); v13: p16 (1), 81 (15), 260 (41); v18: p32
Avocets and Stilts Recurvirostridae
Coursers and Pratincoles Glareolidae
- v04: p90 Pratincole in Orkney
- v04: p230 Cream-coloured Courser in East Lothian
- v05: p28 Cream-coloured Courser in Lanarkshire
- v07: p259 Collared Pratincole on Fair Isle
- v10: p314 Black-winged Pratincole in Aberdeenshire
Stone-curlews Burhinidae
- v03: p417 Stone Curlew in north Fife
- v04: p296 Stone Curlew in Lanarkshire
- v07: p53 Stone Curlew in Peebleshire
Plovers Charadriidae
- v08: p299-308 Wintering wader populations on the rocky shores of eastern Scotland (R. W. Summers, N. K. Atkinson & M. Nicholl).
- v10: p38-50 Some breeding birds of Unst (G. Bundy).
- v11: p142-152 The breeding habitats of waders on North Uist machair (R. J. Fuller).
- v12: p38-43 Wintering coastal waders of Lewis and Harris (N. E. Buxton).
- v12: p65-72 The abundance and feeding distribution of Clyde Estuary shorebirds (J. B. Halliday, D. J. Curtis, D. B. A. Thompson, E. M. Bignal & J. C. Smyth).
- v12: p106-113 Wintering waders on the Atlantic shores of the Uists and Benbecula (N. E. Buxton).
- v12: p148-153 Breeding waders on agricultural land (H. Galbraith & R. W. Furness).
- v12: p180-186 Breeding waders of the Caithness flows (T. M. Reed, D. R. Langslow & F. L. Symonds).
- v12: p206-211 Winter wader populations on the open shores of northern Scotland (R. W. Summers & N. E. Buxton).
- v13: p2-7 Breeding Lowland Waders in east Sutherland (J. & C. F. Barrett).
- v13: p98-107 Habitats and distribution of waders breeding on Scottish agricultural land (H. Galbraith, R. W. Furness & R. J. Fuller).
- v14: p9-16 Breeding waders of blackland, moorland and agriculturally improved moorland in the Uists and Benbecula (M. W. Pienkowski, R. J. Fuller, D. B. Jackson & S. M. Percival).
- v14: p191-198 Dotterel numbers, habitat and breeding success in Scotland (A. Watson & R. Rae).
- v15: p71-79 Waders on the coast of Shetland in winter: numbers and habitat preferences (R. W. Summers, P. M. Ellis & J. P. Johnston).
- v15: p97-105 Moray Basin wader populations (R. L. Swann & G. P. Mudge).
- v16: p90-105 Winter shorebird populations in Orkney (R. W. Summers, C. J. Corse, M. W. A. Martin & E. R. Meek).
- v18: p197-204 Breeding waders in the Cairngorms Straths ESA in 1995 (N. Picozzi, D. C. Catt & R. P. Cummins).
- v18: p231-241 The numbers of breeding waders in lowland Scotland (M. O’Brien).
- v19: p36-54 Waterfowl counts on the Tay Estuary, 1985-1995 (N. Elkins & B. M. Lynch).
- v20: p73-80 Breeding population estimates for Lapwing, Oystercatcher, and Curlew in Scotland: results of the 1998 BTO Lapwing survey (A. M. Wilson & S. J. Browne).
- v01: p13 Unusual colour of Lapwing’s eggs
- v01: p68 American Golden Plover on Fair Isle
- v01: p69 The identification of the American Golden Plover
- v02: p246 Kentish Plover in Aberdeenshire
- v04: p224 Little Ringed Plovers in Scotland in autumn
- v04: p226 Kentish Plover in Fife
- v05: p27 Little Ringed Plover in Lanarkshire
- v05: p174 Little Ringed Plover in Renfrewshire
- v05: p282 Little Ringed Plovers breeding in Clyde
- v05: p381 Dotterel notes from the Cairngorms
- v05: p467 Sociable Plovers in Orkney
- v09: p125 Ringed Plover swimming
- v11: p24 Lesser Golden Plover in Dumfriesshire
- v11: p25 Aberrant Golden Plover
- v12: p190 Dotterel numbers and breeding in the Central Grampians
- v13: p268 Waders wintering on Colonsay and Oransay
- v13: p270 Oystercatcher laying in Lapwing nest
- v14: p184 Mixed clutch of Oystercatcher and Lapwing eggs incubated by an Oystercatcher
- v14: p257 Greater Sand Plover at Aberlady Bay
- v15: p44 Sexing and distinguishing juvenile Dotterel in summer
- v15: p91 Decline of shore waders at Loch Morlich
- v16: p42 Little Ringed Plovers breeding in Fife
- v18: p55 Little Ringed Plovers attempt breeding in Dumfriesshire
- v18: p184 Oystercatcher apparently rearing Lapwings
- v19: p181 Oystercatcher incubating Lapwing clutch
- v19: p246 Double brooding by Lapwings
- v10: p184 Wader counting on the rocky shores of East Lothian
- Ringed Plover v12: p118 (14b)
- Killdeer 12:189 (23a)
- Dotterel v05: p388; v07: p133; v14: p193
- American Golden Plover v01: p75
- Pacific Golden Plover v01: p75
- Golden Plover v10: p308 (30a); v12: p188 (22); v14: p104
- Lapwing v06: p436; v10: p308 (30b); v12: p156 (18a); v13: p16 (4), 260 (42); v14: p8; v18: p241
Sandpipers and Snipe Scolopacidae
- v07: p275-281 Wader population at Musselburgh (R. W. Furness).
- v07: p281-287, 387 Roost selection by waders (R. W. Furness).
- v07: p302-306 Breeding distribution of Grey Wagtails, Dippers and Common Sandpipers on the Midlothian Esk (C. N. L. Cowper).
- v07: p391-398 The 1972 midwinter census of waders in Scotland (A. J. Prater).
- v08: p279 Scottish Bird Report 1973 – additions (Grey Phalarope, Little Stint).
- v08: p299-308 Wintering wader populations on the rocky shores of eastern Scotland (R. W. Summers, N. K. Atkinson & M. Nicholl).
- v10: p38-50 Some breeding birds of Unst (G. Bundy).
- v11: p142-152 The breeding habitats of waders on North Uist machair (R. J. Fuller).
- v12: p3-11 Seabird movements around western Islay (K. Verrall & W. R. P. Bourne).
- v12: p38-43 Wintering coastal waders of Lewis and Harris (N. E. Buxton).
- v12: p65-72 The abundance and feeding distribution of Clyde Estuary shorebirds (J. B. Halliday, D. J. Curtis, D. B. A. Thompson, E. M. Bignal & J. C. Smyth).
- v12: p106-113 Wintering waders on the Atlantic shores of the Uists and Benbecula (N. E. Buxton).
- v12: p148-153 Breeding waders on agricultural land (H. Galbraith & R. W. Furness).
- v12: p180-186 Breeding waders of the Caithness flows (T. M. Reed, D. R. Langslow & F. L. Symonds).
- v12: p206-211 Winter wader populations on the open shores of northern Scotland (R. W. Summers & N. E. Buxton).
- v13: p2-7 Breeding Lowland Waders in east Sutherland (J. & C. F. Barrett).
- v13: p98-107 Habitats and distribution of waders breeding on Scottish agricultural land (H. Galbraith, R. W. Furness & R. J. Fuller).
- v14: p9-16 Breeding waders of blackland, moorland and agriculturally improved moorland in the Uists and Benbecula (M. W. Pienkowski, R. J. Fuller, D. B. Jackson & S. M. Percival).
- v14: p68-73 The distribution of Hardangervidda Purple Sandpipers outwith the breeding season (R. Rae, M. Nicoll & R. W. Summers).
- v15: p71-79 Waders on the coast of Shetland in winter: numbers and habitat preferences (R. W. Summers, P. M. Ellis & J. P. Johnston).
- v15: p97-105 Moray Basin wader populations (R. L. Swann & G. P. Mudge).
- v15: p106-113 Wintering wildfowl and waders at Aberdeen, 1975-1986 (M. V. Bell).
- v16: p90-105 Winter shorebird populations in Orkney (R. W. Summers, C. J. Corse, M. W. A. Martin & E. R. Meek).
- v18: p193-196 Numbers of Whimbrel breeding in Shetland in 1989-1994 and previously (C. P. Dore, P. M. Ellis & E. M. Stuart).
- v18: p197-204 Breeding waders in the Cairngorms Straths ESA in 1995 (N. Picozzi, D. C. Catt & R. P. Cummins).
- v18: p231-241 The numbers of breeding waders in lowland Scotland (M. O’Brien).
- v19: p36-54 Waterfowl counts on the Tay Estuary, 1985-1995 (N. Elkins & B. M. Lynch).
- v19: p101-104 Declines in Turnstones and Purple Sandpipers wintering in south-east Scotland (H. E. M. Dott).
- v19: p185-194 Minimal numbers and habitat of breeding Dunlin in north-east Scotland (R. Rae & A. Watson).
- v01: p13 Breeding of Whimbrel in Lewis
- v01: p13 Black-tailed Godwits in Solway
- v01: p14 Green Sandpipers in Solway
- v01: p33 Spotted Redshank in Morayshire and Nairnshire
- v01: p34, 76 Dowitcher in Berwickshire
- v01: p35 Bar-tailed Godwits migrating through Moray Firth
- v01: p35 Semipalmated Sandpiper on the Isle of May
- v01: p70 Black-tailed Godwits in Solway
- v01: p71 Spotted Redshanks in autumn 1958
- v01: p94 Greater Yellowlegs in Aberdeenshire
- v01: p94 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper in Lanarkshire
- v01: p124 Wood Sandpipers in east Inverness, Lanark and East Lothian
- v01: p124 Common Sandpiper carrying young
- v01: p150 Wood Sandpiper breeding in Sutherland
- v01: p188, 442 Lesser Yellowlegs in Aberdeenshire
- v01: p235, 442 Slender-billed Curlew in Scotland
- v01: p236 Pectoral Sandpiper in Dunbartonshire
- v01: p330 Dowitchers in East Lothian and Lanarkshire
- v01: p331 Wood Sandpiper breeding in west Inverness-shire
- v01: p333 Exceptional numbers of Little Stints in Morayshire
- v01: p333 Pectoral Sandpiper in east Stirling
- v01: p334 Buff-breasted Sandpipers in East Lothian and Sutherland
- v01: p427 Whimbrel breeding in Sutherland
- v01: p493 White Woodcock in east Sutherland
- v01: p493 Pectoral Sandpiper in East Lothian
- v02: p247 Unusual behaviour of Bar-tailed Godwit
- v02: p309 Wood Sandpipers breeding in Sutherland
- v02: p366 Wilson’s Phalarope in Dunbartonshire
- v03: p82 Wilson’s Phalarope in Fife
- v03: p196 Wood Sandpiper breeding in north Sutherland
- v03: p254 Dowitchers in Shetland and Dunbartonshire
- v03: p256 Black-tailed Godwit breeding in southern Scotland
- v04: p88 Temminck’s Stint in East Lothian
- v04: p226 Dowitcher in Shetland
- v04: p227 Great Snipe on Fair Isle
- v04: p228 Probable breeding of Wood Sandpiper in Perthshire
- v04: p228 A big flock of Little Stints
- v04: p229 Temminck’s and Little Stints in East Lothian in spring
- v04: p504 Least Sandpiper in Clyde
- v04: p506 White-rumped Sandpiper in Outer Hebrides
- v04: p557 Marsh Sandpiper in Caithness-a new Scottish bird
- v05: p27 White-rumped Sandpiper in Caithness
- v05: p216 Broad-billed Sandpipers in Stirlingshire and Morayshire
- v05: p283 Temminck’s Stint in Renfrewshire
- v05: p284 Early Pectoral Sandpiper in Morayshire
- v05: p384 Common Sandpiper devoured by Common Gull
- v06: p40 Long-billed Dowitcher in Dunbartonshire
- v06: p41 Dowitcher in Inner Hebrides
- v06: p42 Marsh Sandpiper in Shetland
- v06: p200 Dowitchers in Dumfriesshire and Orkney
- v06: p201 Marsh Sandpiper in Shetland-a postscript
- v06: p202 White-rumped Sandpiper in Orkney
- v06: p279 Whimbrels breeding at sea level in northern Highlands
- v06: p280 Stilt Sandpiper in south-east Sutherland – a new bird for Scotland
- v06: p281 Pectoral Sandpiper in Peebleshire
- v06: p332 Temminck’s Stint in Stirlingshire
- v06: p333 Wilson’s Phalarope in Angus
- v06: p445 Upland Sandpiper at Fair Isle
- v06: p446 White-rumped Sandpiper in Orkney
- v07: p53 Buff-breasted Sandpiper in Inner Hebrides
- v07: p94 Temminck’s Stint breeding in Scotland
- v07: p94 Baird’s Sandpiper in Outer Hebrides
- v07: p95 Red-necked Phalarope in Dunbartonshire
- v07: p311 Ruffs inland near Aberlady Bay, East Lothian
- v07: p313 Wilson’s Phalarope in Kirkcudbrightshire
- v08: p31 Great Snipe in Shetland
- v08: p71 Pectoral Sandpipers in Caithness and Shetland
- v08: p382 Unusual nest of Redshank / Snipe
- v09: p162 Baird’s Sandpiper in Midlothian
- v10: p22 Reaction of Grey Phalarope to Sparrowhawk
- v10: p53 Terek Sandpiper in Shetland
- v10: p179 Redshanks swimming for food
- v10: p234 Waders feeding on grain in cold weather
- v10: p237 Probable breeding of Ruff in the Hebrides
- v11: p164 Two Whimbrels laying in one nest
- v12: p56 Movement of a Greenshank chick
- v13: p190 Woodcock with abnormal bill
- v13: p268 Waders wintering on Colonsay and Oransay
- v14: p124 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper at Aberlady Bay, Lothian
- v14: p211 A probable hybrid Dunlin x Sanderling
- v15: p91 Decline of shore waders at Loch Morlich
- v16: p36 Common Sandpiper stalking and catching small fish
- v16: p46 Inter-island flights by Sanderlings at dusk and dawn in Orkney
- v16: p277 Semipalmated Sandpiper on Fair Isle: a first record for Scotland
- v17: p62 Solitary Sandpiper on Fair Isle: a third Scottish record
- v17: p163 Site fidelity of Jack Snipe on migration?
- v17: p173 Semipalmated Sandpiper on Stronsay: second Scottish record
- v18: p51 Diurnal and tidal activity patterns of Purple Sandpipers on the Isle of May, Fife
- v20: p44 Recent fluctuations in a Common Sandpiper breeding population
- v10: p184 Wader counting on the rocky shores of East Lothian
- v16: p144 Inter Island flights by Sanderlings at North Ronaldsay
- v19: p306 Numbers of Turnstones and Purple Sandpipers on the East Lothian coast
- Knot v07: p296
- Sanderling v12: p118 (14a)
- Semipalmated Sandpiper v16: p266
- Temminck’s Stint v07: p86; v10: p114 (10)
- White-rumped Sandpiper v04: p498; v07: p354
- Pectoral Sandpiper v07: p133; v10: p114 (15)
- Purple Sandpiper v08: p318; v12: p220 (26); v14: p69, 72; v18: p54
- Dunlin v07: p354; v11: p156 (18b); v12: p80 (8)
- Stilt Sandpiper v10: p114 (9c)
- Buff-breasted Sandpiper v13: p314
- Ruff v06: p434
- Jack Snipe v13: p314
- Snipe v10: p308 (31a); v17: p216
- Long-billed Dowitcher v17: p217
- Bar-tailed Godwit v07: p296
- Whimbrel v01: p382; v18: p196
- Curlew v06: p263; v10: p308 (29a); v13: p220 (35)
- Redshank v08: p366-368; v11: p156 (18a); v12: p156 (18b); v14: p8; v18: p32
- Marsh Sandpiper v06: p99, 206
- Solitary Sandpiper v17: p62
- Green Sandpiper v02: p264; v10: p266 (27a); v14: p285
- Common Sandpiper v04: p161; v07: p85; v10: p308 (31b)
- Grey-tailed Tattler v18: p32
- Turnstone v08: p318; v12: p220 (26); v13: p81 (15), 261 (44)
- Wilson’s Phalarope v07: p297
- Red-necked Phalarope v14: p239
- Grey Phalarope v06: p375; v10: p18 (3a); v14: p108
Skuas Stercorariidae
- v04: p340-350 Numbers of Great Skuas and other seabirds of Hermaness, Unst (H. E. M. Dott).
- v09: p143-147, 284 First recorded erythristic eggs of Arctic Skua and Herring Gull in Britain (D. J. Bates, H. M. S. Blair & I. H. J. Lyster).
- v10: p38-50 Some breeding birds of Unst (G. Bundy).
- v10: p216-221 Spring passage of skuas at Balranald, North Uist (D. L. Davenport).
- v10: p289-296 The effects of Great Skua predation on the breeding biology of the Kittiwake on Foula, Shetland (Bridget Furness).
- v11: p237-253 Seabird populations of Foula (R. W. Furness).
- v12: p3-11 Seabird movements around western Islay (K. Verrall & W. R. P. Bourne).
- v14: p25-32 Breeding seabirds of Noss, Shetland (N. A. Willcox, M. G. Richardson & C. P. Dore).
- v15: p9-20 The distribution and status of Arctic and Great Skuas in Shetland 1985-86 (P. J. Ewins, P. M. Ellis, D. B. Bird & A. Prior).
- v15: p21-29 The seabirds of St Kilda, 1987 (M. L. Tasker, P. R. Moore & R. A. Schofield).
- v15: p80-82 The status and distribution of the Great Skua in the Western Isles (F. W. Rennie).
- v16: p85-89 The spring passage of Long-tailed Skuas off North Uist in 1991 (D. L. Davenport).
- v17: p50-55 Spring passage of Pomarine Skuas off Shetland in May 1992 (H. R. Harrop, M. Mellor & D. Suddaby).
- v18: p78-87 Seabirds of Handa Island (J. G. Stoneman & N. A. Willcox).
- v19: p160-165 Fish prey in the diet of Great Skuas at St Kilda (D. R. Thompson, K. C. Hamer & R. A. Phillips).
- v01: p14 Great Skua breeding on Papa Westray, Orkney
- v01: p15 Great Skua in north Perth
- v01: p124 Great Skua nesting in Outer Hebrides
- v01: p125 Long-tailed Skua in Lewis
- v02: p304 Autumn movements of shearwaters, skuas and other sea-birds in north Sutherland and Easter Ross
- v02: p427 Great Skua breeding on St Kilda
- v03: p313 Great Skua breeding in north-west Highlands
- v07: p205 A large movement of skuas in the Outer Hebrides
- v08: p383 Long-tailed Skua in central Grampians
- v09: p125 Great Skuas probably killing Mountain Hare and Rabbits
- v10: p238 Great Skuas killing young Shelducks
- v11: p119 Great Skuas hunting disabled prey
- v11: p225 Spring passage of skuas at Handa
- v13: p26 Storm Petrel attacking Great Skua
- v14: p180 Large passage of Skuas off Balranald, North Uist in May 1986
- v16: p284 Great Skuas attacking a flock of moulting Eiders
- v18: p110 Arctic Skua incubating own egg and Common Gull eggs in Common Gull nest
- v20: p40 Grey Heron killed by Great Skua
- v20: p41 Pomarine Skua kleptoparasitising an inland gull roost
- v01: p74 Great Skua breeding in Orkney
- v01: p156 Great Skua nesting in Outer Hebrides
- v09: p319 Great Skuas as predators of mammals
- v09: p358 Great Skuas killing mammals
- v17: p69 Attacks by Great Skuas on an Eider and a Mute Swan
- v17: p172 Spring passage of Skuas in Outer Hebrides
- Pomarine Skua v06: p101
- Arctic Skua v04: p369; v11: p258 (28b); v12: p157 (19)
- Great Skua v04: p29, 368; 10:54 (6); v12: p119 (15b); v15: p82
Gulls Larinae
- v01: p362-367 Little Gulls in Angus and Fife (J. Grierson).
- v02: p3-17 The spring departure of Common Gulls from Scotland (W. R. P. Bourne & I. J. Patterson).
- v04: p340-350 Numbers of Great Skuas and other seabirds of Hermaness, Unst (H. E. M. Dott).
- v04: p493-502 The “Carrick” gull and others-Iceland or albino? (A. T. Macmillan).
- v08: p53-62 Spitzbergen 1972 – ornithological work of the Aberdeen University expedition (A. Anderson, L. Campbell, W. Murray, D. P. Stone, R. L. Swann).
- v09: p143-147, 284 First recorded erythristic eggs of Arctic Skua and Herring Gull in Britain (D. J. Bates, H. M. S. Blair & I. H. J. Lyster).
- v09: p334-342 Ross’s Gulls in Britain (M. Densley).
- v10: p38-50 Some breeding birds of Unst (G. Bundy).
- v10: p50-53 Gulls and terns nesting inland in north-east Scotland (W. R. P. Bourne, A. J. M. Smith & A. Dowse).
- v10: p247-261 The cliff-breeding seabirds of east Caithness in 1977 (G. P. Mudge).
- v10: p289-296 The effects of Great Skua predation on the breeding biology of the Kittiwake on Foula, Shetland (Bridget Furness).
- v11: p180-188 The Lesser Black-backed Gull on the Isle of May (N. Duncan).
- v11: p237-253 Seabird populations of Foula (R. W. Furness).
- v12: p3-11 Seabird movements around western Islay (K. Verrall & W. R. P. Bourne).
- v12: p65-72 The abundance and feeding distribution of Clyde Estuary shorebirds (J. B. Halliday, D. J. Curtis, D. B. A. Thompson, E. M. Bignal & J. C. Smyth).
- v12: p174-180 Seabird populations of the Isle of May (M. P. Harris & H. Galbraith).
- v13: p40-47 Long-term seabird monitoring on the Isle of Canna (R. L. Swann & A. D. K. Ramsay).
- v13: p77-83 Breeding seabirds on the Yell Sound Islands, Shetland (J. A. Fowler, M. Heubeck & R. J. Tulloch).
- v14: p25-32 Breeding seabirds of Noss, Shetland (N. A. Willcox, M. G. Richardson & C. P. Dore).
- v14: p199-204 The seabirds of Troup and Pennan Heads 1979-86 (C. S. Lloyd & S. G. North).
- v15: p21-29 The seabirds of St Kilda, 1987 (M. L. Tasker, P. R. Moore & R. A. Schofield).
- v15: p119-125 The food of some young seabirds on Fair Isle in 1986-88 (M. P. Harris & N. J. Riddiford).
- v15: p156-161 Kittiwake attendance patterns during chick rearing on the Isle of May (S. Wanless & M. P. Harris).
- v16: p106-112 A census of the large inland Common Gull colonies of Grampian (M. L. Tasker, A. Webb & J. M. Matthews).
- v16: p131-138 The breeding Gulls of Coll, Inner Hebrides 1969-70 to 1989-90 (J. G. Blatchford & J. R. Wright).
- v16: p200-204 Counts of Seabirds in Easter Ross in 1969-91 (R. L. Swann).
- v17: p192-204 Changes in breeding numbers of Kittiwakes in Shetland, 1981-1994 (M. Heubeck & R. M. Mellor).
- v18: p78-87 Seabirds of Handa Island (J. G. Stoneman & N. A. Willcox).
- v18: p95-100 Yellow-legged Gulls in Scotland (R. W. Forrester).
- v18: p205-213 Human induced increases of Carrion Crows and gulls on Cairngorm plateaux (A. Watson).
- v01: p15 Kittiwakes in north Perth
- v01: p37 Little Gull off East Lothian coast in summer
- v01: p151, 442 Ivory Gull in Fife
- v02: p34 Ivory Gulls in Lewis and Shetland
- v02: p97 Pink-coloured Black-headed Gulls
- v03: p252 Abnormal nesting behaviour of Eiders and Herring Gulls
- v05: p175 Bonaparte’s Gull in Sutherland
- v05: p218 Ivory Gull in Shetland
- v05: p218 Common Gulls using man-made nest sites
- v05: p218 Black-headed Gulls chasing feeding plovers
- v05: p384 Common Sandpiper devoured by Common Gull
- v05: p389 Probable Scandinavian Herring Gull at Aberdeen
- v06: p43 Sabine’s Gull in Ross-shire
- v06: p173 Ivory Gulls in Shetland and off north Argyll
- v06: p174 Ross’s Gull in Shetland
- v06: p282 Erythrism in eggs of Herring Gull in Scotland
- v07: p207 Mole kills Herring Gull
- v07: p258 Bonaparte’s Gull in Fife
- v07: p314 Sabine’s Gull in Ayrshire and Fife
- v07: p315 Ross’s Gull in Shetland
- v08: p32 White-winged Black Tern in Aberdeenshire
- v08: p73 Gulls breeding inland in Aberdeenshire
- v08: p76 Bonaparte’s Gull in Sutherland
- v08: p77 A large movement of Kittiwakes in the Forth
- v08: p324 Another Kittiwake movement in the Firth of Forth
- v09: p72 The Flanders Moss Lesser Black-backed Gullery
- v09: p301 Arctic Terns breeding inland in Caithness
- v09: p348 Great Black-backed Gull killing Wigeon
- v09: p381 Laughing Gull in Argyllshire
- v10: p180 Kittiwake with red legs
- v10: p275 Ring-billed Gull in Aberdeenshire
- v10: p276 Kittiwakes with red legs
- v11: p84 Erythrystic Herring Gull eggs in Caithness
- v11: p264 Mediterranean Gull holding territory
- v12: p119 Inland colonies of Lesser Black-backed Gull
- v12: p258 Franklin’s Gull in Ayrshire
- v13: p89 Mink in a Black-headed Gull colony in the Pentlands
- v13: p189 Kittiwake movements in the Forth
- v13: p229 Common Gulls successfully nesting on a roof in Aberdeen
- v14: p50 Herring Gull attacks on Grey Herons
- v15: p45 Black-headed Gulls as predators of breeding Sand Martins
- v17: p59 Behaviour of Herring Gulls feeding on turnips
- v17: p63 Kumlien’s Gull in Shetland – the fourth Scottish record
- v18: p110 Arctic Skua incubating own egg and Common Gull eggs in Common Gull nest
- v18: p121 Carrion Crows roosting on ground with Black-headed Gulls
- v19: p244 Inland Common Gull colonies in north east Scotland
- v20: p41 Pomarine Skua kleptoparasitising an inland gull roost
- v04: p584 The “Carrick” gull and others
- v08: p281 Gulls breeding inland in Stirlingshire
- v08: p281 Gulls and Arctic Terns breeding inland in Aberdeenshire
- v17: p107 What is the scale of seabird movement across central Scotland
- v17: p109 Reply to Henty
- v18: p190 Yellow-legged Gulls in Scotland
- Little Gull v08: p249
- Sabine’s Gull v08: p249
- Black-headed Gull v04: p163; v05: p36, 386; v06: p99; v07: p85; v13: p17 (7)
- Common Gull v04: p159; v05: p387; v07: p249; v18: p213
- Lesser Black-backed Gull v03: p415; v06: p263
- Herring Gull v04: p495; v07: p193
- Yellow-legged Herring Gull
- Iceland Gull v06: p374; v08: p431; v13: p80 (14), 318; v14: p287
- Kumlien’s Gull v17: p64
- Glaucous Gull v08: p430; v13: p80 (14), 364
- Great Black-backed Gull v03: p414
- Ross’s Gull v07: p297; v09: p343-345; v14: p110
- Kittiwake v06: p161; v07: p249; v11: p16 (1a); v12: p80 (10a); v14: p198; v17: p217
- Ivory Gull v02: p31-33; v08: p249
- Gull sp. v04: p495
Terns Sterninae
- v02: p239-241 Roseate Terns breeding on the mainland of Fife in 1956 (C. K. Mylne).
- v02: p286-293 Roseate and Sandwich Tern colonies in the Forth and neighbouring areas (G. L. Sandeman).
- v08: p53-62 Spitzbergen 1972 – ornithological work of the Aberdeen University expedition (A. Anderson, L. Campbell, W. Murray, D. P. Stone, R. L. Swann).
- v10: p50-53 Gulls and terns nesting inland in north-east Scotland (W. R. P. Bourne, A. J. M. Smith & A. Dowse).
- v11: p237-253 Seabird populations of Foula (R. W. Furness).
- v12: p3-11 Seabird movements around western Islay (K. Verrall & W. R. P. Bourne).
- v13: p77-83 Breeding seabirds on the Yell Sound Islands, Shetland (J. A. Fowler, M. Heubeck & R. J. Tulloch).
- v13: p172-178 The Current Status and Distribution of Terns in the Outer Hebrides (N. E. Buxton).
- v14: p25-32 Breeding seabirds of Noss, Shetland (N. A. Willcox, M. G. Richardson & C. P. Dore).
- v15: p1-8 The recolonisation of the Isle of May by Common and Arctic Terns (S. Wanless).
- v16: p205-210 Operation Seafarer and Arctic Terns (W. R. P. Bourne & D. Saunders).
- v18: p78-87 Seabirds of Handa Island (J. G. Stoneman & N. A. Willcox).
- v01: p16 Late Black Tern in Angus
- v01: p16 Black Tern in South Uist
- v01: p16 Black Tern in south Perth
- v01: p16 Little Tern breeding in Wigtownshire
- v01: p152 Feeding flight of inland nesting Terns
- v01: p335 Gull-billed Tern in East Lothian
- v01: p494 Sandwich terns breeding in Shetland
- v02: p36 Migrating Terns
- v03: p258 White-winged Black Tern in Outer Hebrides: a new Scottish bird
- v03: p313 Arctic Terns breeding in south Fife
- v04: p373 White-winged Black Tern in Orkney
- v04: p448 Gull-billed Tern in West Lothian
- v05: p29 White-winged Black Tern in Outer Hebrides, Shetland, Caithness and Aberdeenshire
- v05: p284 Gull-billed Tern in East Lothian
- v05: p390 Caspian Tern on Loch Lomond-a new Scottish bird
- v06: p44 Behaviour of migrant Black Terns
- v06: p45 Gull-billed Terns in Stirlingshire
- v06: p203 White-winged Black Terns in East Lothian, Nairnshire and Inverness-shire
- v07: p54 Caspian terns in East Lothian
- v09: p163 White-winged Black Tern at Fair Isle
- v11: p226 Sandwich Terns in the Firth of Forth in winter
- v12: p119 Common Tern attacking Little Tern chick
- v14: p126 Forster’s Tern at Musselburgh and Granton, Lothian
- v14: p235 Probable interbreeding of Roseate and Arctic Terns
- v18: p111 Roseate Terns return to the Isle of May
- v20: p111 Recolonisation of the Isle of May by Sandwich Terns during 1999
- v02: p450 Sandwich and Roseate Terns on the Farne Islands
- v07: p281 Gulls and Arctic Terns breeding inland in Aberdeenshire
- Sandwich Tern v06: p261
- Common Tern v01: p85
- Arctic Tern v01: p438; v07: p84; v09: p304; v13: p16 (5), 186 (26)
- Forster’s Tern v14: p126
- Little Tern v07: p84
- Black Tern v08: p432
Auks Alcidae
- v01: p218-220 Unusual mortality of young Puffins on St Kilda, 1959 (D. Boddington).
- v04: p340-350 Numbers of Great Skuas and other seabirds of Hermaness, Unst (H. E. M. Dott).
- v05: p104-107 Arctic auks on the Scottish coast (W. R. P. Bourne).
- v09: p285-290 Puffins on the Isle of May (M. P. Harris).
- v10: p247-261 The cliff-breeding seabirds of east Caithness in 1977 (G. P. Mudge).
- v11: p173-180 Earlier colony attendance by Guillemots and Razorbills (K. Taylor & J. B. Reid).
- v11: p237-253 Seabird populations of Foula (R. W. Furness).
- v11: p254-257 Winter colony attendance by auks and the danger of oil pollution (W. R. P. Bourne).
- v12: p3-11 Seabird movements around western Islay (K. Verrall & W. R. P. Bourne).
- v12: p11-17 The breeding seasons of British Puffins (M. P. Harris).
- v12: p174-180 Seabird populations of the Isle of May (M. P. Harris & H. Galbraith).
- v13: p40-47 Long-term seabird monitoring on the Isle of Canna (R. L. Swann & A. D. K. Ramsay).
- v13: p77-83 Breeding seabirds on the Yell Sound Islands, Shetland (J. A. Fowler, M. Heubeck & R. J. Tulloch).
- v14: p25-32 Breeding seabirds of Noss, Shetland (N. A. Willcox, M. G. Richardson & C. P. Dore).
- v14: p199-204 The seabirds of Troup and Pennan Heads 1979-86 (C. S. Lloyd & S. G. North).
- v15: p21-29 The seabirds of St Kilda, 1987 (M. L. Tasker, P. R. Moore & R. A. Schofield).
- v15: p119-125 The food of some young seabirds on Fair Isle in 1986-88 (M. P. Harris & N. J. Riddiford).
- v15: p151-155 Damage to fish by seabirds in the Moray Firth (J. R. G. Hislop & W. S. MacDonald).
- v16: p25-28 Maximum dive depths attained by auks feeding young on the Isle of May, Scotland (M. P. Harris, H. Towll, A. F. Russell & S. Wanless).
- v16: p200-204 Counts of Seabirds in Easter Ross in 1969-91 (R. L. Swann).
- v18: p78-87 Seabirds of Handa Island (J. G. Stoneman & N. A. Willcox).
- v02: p199 Little Auk in summer in south-east Sutherland
- v05: p285 Guillemot calls
- v05: p285 Brünnich’s Guillemot in Shetland
- v06: p334 Brünnich’s Guillemot in Argyllshire
- v09: p342 Predation of seabirds by Grey Seals (Guillemot)
- v11: p195 Black Guillemots breeding in the inner Clyde estuary
- v13: p26 Melanistic Black Guillemot in Shetland
- v16: p33 Differences in weight: wing length relationships of Razorbill chicks at Hermaness and Fair Isle in 1989
- v18: p112 Presumed feeding movements of auks offshore from Portnahaven on the southwest coast of Islay
- v19: p121 Inland nesting by Razorbills
- v19: p301 Black Guillemot nesting on an operational car ferry
- Guillemot v06: p433; v11: p16 (1b); v11: p188 (22), 258 (30); v12: p188 (21a, b)
- Brünnich’s Guillemot v05: p272
- Razorbill v04: p367; v08: p21
- Black Guillemot v11: p189 (23c), 258 (29b)
- Puffin v06: p434; v07: p248; v08: p20; v09: p303, 304; v11: p16 (2b); v12: p16 (1, 3); v15: p29
Sandgrouse Pteroclididae
- v06: p204 Pallas’s Sandgrouse in Shetland
Doves and Pigeons Columbidae
- v01: p480-489 The Collared Dove in Scotland (A. T. Macmillan).
- v03: p22-25 Rock Doves in Scotland (R. Hewson).
- v03: p292-301 The Collared Dove in Scotland (A. T. Macmillan).
- v04: p359-371 The Rock dove in Scotland in 1965 (R. Hewson).
- v06: p321-329 The breeding season in a rural colony of Feral Pigeons (G. Riddle).
- v13: p48-51 Notes on the Collared Dove in south-east Sutherland (D. Macdonald).
- v01: p37 Collared Doves in Morayshire
- v01: p72 Turtle Doves in Aberdeenshire
- v01: p125 Collared Doves in Ayrshire
- v01: p189 Collared Doves in Fife
- v01: p237 Collared Doves in Perthshire
- v01: p379 Collared Doves in Rhum and Lewis
- v02: p199 Collared Doves in Dumfries-shire
- v02: p247 Collared Doves in Orkney and Easter Ross
- v02: p309 Collared Doves breeding in Lewis
- v04: p309 The Collared Dove in Scotland-some first records
- v04: p374 Some breeding notes on the Collared Dove
- v10: p55 Rufous Turtle Dove at Fair Isle
- v11: p120 Status of Collared Dove in Islay
- v13: p51 Transportation of Mourning Dove nest to Montrose
Parrots and Relatives Psittaciformes
- v11: p201 Status of Ring-necked Parakeet in Scotland
Cuckoos Cuculidae
- v01: p152 Great Spotted Cuckoo in Orkney
- v06: p335 Yellow-billed Cuckoo in Caithness
- v12: p162 Cuckoo eating young amphibians
OWLS Strigiformes:
Barn Owl Tytonidae and Owls Strigidae
- v04: p214 An investigation into the recent decline of the Barn Owl on an Ayrshire estate (D. N. Weir).
- v05: p245-257 Snowy Owls breeding in Shetland (R. J. Tulloch).
- v06: p185-191 Kestrels, Short-eared Owls and Field Voles in Eskdalemuir in 1970 (N. Picozzi & R. Hewson).
- v13: p258-262 Counts of some breeding birds in two recently afforested areas of Kintyre (S. J. Petty).
- v15: p40-43 The distribution and abundance of the Barn Owl Tyto alba in south-west Scotland (I. R. Taylor, A. Dowell, T. Irving, I. K. Langford & G. Shaw).
- v17: p187-191 A ten year study of Barn Owl conservation in conifer forests (G. Shaw).
- v20: p98-110 Persecution of birds of prey in north Scotland 1912-69 as evidenced by taxidermists’ stuffing books (H. McGhie).
- v01: p17 Numerous Long-eared Owls in Aberdeenshire
- v01: p37 Little Owl nesting in Scotland
- v01: p38 Short-eared Owl nesting in Morayshire
- v01: p238 Snowy Owl in Kincardineshire
- v01: p453 Little owl in Midlothian
- v01: p453 Tengmalm’s Owl in Orkney
- v02: p36 Barn Owls breeding in south-east Sutherland
- v02: p99 Snowy Owls in Angus, Aberdeenshire and Banffshire
- v02: p248 Little Owl in Dumfries-shire
- v03: p31 Snowy Owls in Aberdeenshire, Banff, Shetland and Orkney
- v03: p196 Snowy Owl in Midlothian
- v03: p258 Snowy Owl in Shetland
- v03: p314 Little Owls in Dumfriesshire
- v03: p365 Snowy Owl in Angus
- v03: p417 Scops Owl in Orkney
- v05: p108 Long-eared and Short-eared Owls’ mode of hunting
- v05: p287 Little Owls nesting in Midlothian
- v05: p288 Spring and summer food of Tawny Owls in Edinburgh
- v05: p390 Little Owl in Lanarkshire
- v06: p175 Crop contents of a Tawny Owl
- v07: p55 Scops Owl in Orkney
- v07: p260 Barn Owls nesting close together
- v08: p78 Barn Owl pellets from Wigtownshire
- v08: p194 Early nesting Tawny Owls in Aberdeenshire
- v10: p56 Barn Owl on dead Hedgehog
- v11: p56 Food of Snowy Owls in Outer Hebrides
- v11: p166 High incidence of ring recoveries from Long-eared Owl pellets
- v11: p196 Tawny Owl nesting in abandoned car
- v14: p167 Unusual behaviour of Barn Owl at nest site
- v15: p180 Diet of Snowy Owls on Cairn Gorm plateau in 1980 and 1987
- Barn Owl v06: p317; v10: p55 (8a); v13: p220 (31); v17: p216
- Snowy Owl v02: p98; v05: p270, 271; v07: p136; v08: p432; v19: p60
- Little Owl v13: p321
- Tawny Owl v10: p54 (7b)
- Long-eared Owl v06: p102; v07: p250; v13: p367
- Short-eared Owl v10: p54 (7a)
Nightjars Caprimulgiformes
- v11: p85 Common Nighthawk in Orkney
- Nightjar v13: p118 (17b)
Swifts Apodiformes
- v03: p418 Alpine Swift in Orkney
- v04: p310 Alpine Swift in Shetland
- v05: p390 Alpine Swift in Argyllshire
- v06: p209 Alpine Swift in Aberdeenshire
- v14: p257 Little Swift at St Andrews
- v16: p216 Chimney Swift in St Andrews: a first for Scotland ?
- v16: p276 Little Swift on Fair Isle: the second Scottish record
- v20: p27 Swifts nesting in Scots Pines at Abernethy Forest, Strathspey
Kingfishers Cerylinae & Alcedininae
- v06: p209 Kingfishers breeding in Easter Ross
- v08: p32 Pair of Kingfishers rears three broods
- v13: p54 Kingfisher attacked by Magpie
- Kingfisher v09: p383
Bee-eaters Meropidae and Rollers Coraciidae and Hoopoe Upupidae
- v01: p38 Hoopoes in north Perth and west Inverness
- v01: p72 Roller in Shetland
- v01: p96 Rollers in Orkney
- v01: p126 Hoopoes in Inverness and Mid-Lothian
- v01: p153 Bee-eater in Sutherland
- v01: p190 Roller in Shetland
- v01: p276 Hoopoes in Perth, Fife, Roxburgh and Arran
- v01: p427 Hoopoe in Selkirkshire
- v04: p310 Bee-eaters in Orkney
- v04: p375 Roller in Orkney
- v04: p449 Bee-eater in north Sutherland
- v05: p289 Bee-eater in Ayrshire
- v05: p391 Roller on Islay
- v06: p46 Three Bee-eaters in Fair Isle and Shetland
- v06: p47 Rollers in Aberdeenshire and Kirkcudbrightshire
- v06: p210 Roller in Caithness
- v07: p55 Roller in Shetland
Woodpeckers and Allies Piciformes
- v06: p154-156 Wrynecks breeding in Scotland (H. Burton, T. Lloyd Evans & D. N. Weir).
- v01: p39 Wryneck in south-east Sutherland
- v01: p73 Green Woodpeckers in Lanarkshire
- v01: p379 Green Woodpecker breeding in Dumfries-shire
- v01: p454 Green Woodpecker breeding in Lanarkshire
- v01: p494 Wrynecks in Inverness-shire
- v03: p418 Wrynecks in Inverness-shire
- v04: p95 The Green Woodpecker in Clackmannanshire
- v05: p30 Green Woodpecker breeding in Perthshire
- v06: p210 Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers in Scotland
- v09: p262 Weight increases and behaviour of Wrynecks on the Isle of May
- v09: p348 Behaviour of Wryneck and Great Grey Shrike