Part 4: passerines

PERCHING BIRDS Passeriformes:
Larks Alaudidae


  • v11: p25 Calandra Lark on Fair Isle
  • v16: p43 Shore Larks nesting in Scotland in 1977

Swallows and Martins Hirundinidae


  • v10: p221-229 Status and breeding biology of Swallows in Banffshire (D. B. McGinn).
  • v14: p33-38 The distribution and abundance of Sand Martins breeding in central Scotland (G. Jones).
  • v19: p141-144 Breeding biology of Swallows in Easter Ross (D. P. Butterfield & A. D. K. Ramsay).


  • v05: p175 Sand Martin colony under railway platform
  • v06: p336 House Martins nesting at Golden Eagles eyrie
  • v07: p260 Red-rumped Swallows in Shetland
  • v08: p325 A cause of decline in farmyard House Martin colonies
  • v10: p22, 239 Leucistic Swallows
  • v15: p45 Black-headed Gulls as predators of breeding Sand Martins
  • v17: p236 Sparrowhawk exploiting a Sand Martin colony
  • v17: p237 A successful artificial Sand Martin banking


  • Sand Martin v14: p36; v17: p216
  • Swallow v10: p19 (4)

Pipits Motacillidae


  • v01: p43 Albino pipit on the Isle of May
  • v01: p97 Rock pipit in Kinross
  • v01: p239 Albino Meadow Pipit in Benbecula
  • v02: p100 Red-throated Pipit at St Kilda
  • v02: p250 Yellow-browed Warbler and Tawny Pipit in Lewis
  • v04: p100 Scandinavian Rock Pipits in Scotland in spring
  • v04: p377 Red-throated Pipits in Shetland in spring
  • v04: p507 Richard’s Pipit in Shetland
  • v05: p176 Meadow Pipit display
  • v06: p50 Water Pipits in Scotland
  • v06: p338 Tawny Pipit in Shetland
  • v06: p448 Water Pipit in Ayrshire
  • v07: p263 Pechora Pipit on Fair Isle
  • v09: p126 Rock Pipits rearing young Robin


  • v16: p225 Richard’s Pipits on Stronsay


  • Tawny Pipit v07: p136
  • Pechora Pipit v10: p114 (12b)
  • Meadow Pipit v13: p118 (18b)
  • Rock Pipit v13: p118 (18a)

Wagtails Motacillidae


  • v07: p302-306 Breeding distribution of Grey Wagtails, Dippers and Common Sandpipers on the Midlothian Esk (C. N. L. Cowper).


  • v01: p19 Grey Wagtail breeding in Lewis
  • v01: p127 Unusual Flava Wagtail in Fife
  • v02: p101 Food of Pied Wagtail
  • v05: p398 Pied Wagtails feeding on floating hay bales
  • v06: p176 Black-headed Wagtail in Shetland
  • v06: p215 Black-headed Wagtail at Fair Isle
  • v07: p316 Citrine Wagtail at Inverness
  • v13: p115 Unusual roost-site of Pied Wagtails
  • v13: p229 Pied Wagtails roosting in birch tree
  • v15: p136 Male-biased sex ratio in Pied Wagtails wintering in Highland Region


  • Grey Wagtail v06: p262

Waxwings and Allies Bombycillidae


  • v01: p102-106 The Invasion of Waxwings, December 1958 (A. T. Macmillan).
  • v01: p241-251 The Invasion of Waxwings in Scotland in October and November 1959 (A. T. Macmillan).
  • v02: p85-89 The Waxwing invasion of November 1961 (A. T. Macmillan).
  • v03: p180-194 The Waxwing invasion of October and November 1963 (A. T. Macmillan).
  • v04: p534-548 Waxwings in Scotland, 1965/66 and 1966/67 (M. J. Everett).
  • v06: p420-438 Waxwings in Scotland, 1970/71 (I. H. J. Lyster).


  • v09: p350 Waxwings drinking birch sap
  • v16: p221 Waxwings actively searching for insects
  • v18: p250 Mobbing of Waxwing by Chaffinches and Blue Tits
  • v19: p127 Mobbing of Waxwing by Chaffinches and Blue Tits
  • v19: p127 Waxwings feeding on Cowberries


  • Waxwing v04: p560, 561; v14: p115, 295; v18: p250

Dippers Cinclidae


  • v07: p302-306 Breeding distribution of Grey Wagtails, Dippers and Common Sandpipers on the Midlothian Esk (C. N. L. Cowper).


  • v01: p336 Black-bellied Dipper in Angus
  • v04: p450 Dippers diving in icebound loch
  • v09: p268 Dipper removing lining from used nest
  • v10: p180 Polygamy in the Dipper
  • v13: p117 Unusual Dipper nest site
  • v13: p230 Dipper covering eggs
  • v13: p268 Dipper with one leg
  • v14: p49 Dipper feeding on fish carrion
  • v16: p40 Merlin killing and retrieving a Dipper from a loch


  • v04: p523 Dippers diving in icebound loch


  • Dipper v10: p179 (20)

Wrens Trogodyltidae


  • v05: p291 Blackbird and Wren brooding Blackbird chicks
  • v05: p391 Shetland Wren in Aberdeenshire
  • v13: p116 Unusual Wren roost


Accentors Prunellidae


  • v18: p185 Dunnock feeding in Spruce canopy
  • v18: p247 feeding association of Dunnock and Blackbird in snow


  • Dunnock v04: p162

Chats Turdidae


  • v14: p168-174 Bluethroats in Scotland during 1985 (R. D. Murray).


  • v01: p73 Black Redstarts in Aberdeenshire
  • v01: p455 Stonechat breeding in Shetland
  • v02: p37 Blackbird building many nests and rearing brood close beside Robins’ nest
  • v05: p220 Bluethroat breeding in Scotland
  • v06: p283 Thrush Nightingale at Fair Isle and in Shetland
  • v07: p57 Red-flanked Bluetail in Shetland
  • v08: p80 Black Redstarts breeding in Orkney
  • v08: p195 Nightingale of eastern subspecies on Fair Isle
  • v09: p126 Rock Pipits rearing young Robin
  • v10: p23 Red-flanked Bluetail on the Isle of May
  • v14: p174 Bluethroats killed by nesting Merlins in Scotland
  • v18: p114 Successful breeding of Bluethroat in Scotland
  • v18: p115 Juvenile Bluethroat in Inverness-shire


  • Thrush Nightingale v13: p221(37), 371
  • Bluethroat v05: p211; v06: p375; v14: p173
  • Red-flanked Bluetail v10: p18 (3)
  • Whinchat v10: p308 (29b); v14: p116



  • v06: p214 Behaviour of Wheatears and rabbits in a warren
  • v06: p214 Black-eared Wheatear in Caithness
  • v06: p446 Desert Wheatear at Fair Isle
  • v16: p214 Pied Wheatear in Shetland: the fifth record for Scotland
  • v18: p60 Wheatears’ mountain top roost


  • v16: p290 Pied Wheatear in Shetland
  • v18: p121 Roosting behaviour of Wheatear


  • Northern Wheatear v04: p160; v13: p17 (6)
  • Pied Wheatear v10: p114 (12a); v16: p192
  • Black-eared Wheatear v11: p220 (24b)

Thrushes Turdidae


  • v14: p44-48 Breeding Ring Ouzels in the Pentland Hills (I. R. Poxton).
  • v14: p205-208 Breeding status of the Ring Ouzel in south-east Scotland 1985-86 (I. R. Poxton).


  • v01: p97 Overland mass migration of Redwings
  • v01: p126 Bigamy and multiple nest-building of Song Thrush
  • v01: p190 Song Thrush carrying young
  • v01: p190 Redwings breeding in Sutherland
  • v01: p238, 442 Dusky Thrush in Argyll
  • v01: p454 Redwing breeding in Ross-shire
  • v02: p37 Blackbird building many nests and rearing brood close beside Robins’ nest
  • v03: p315 Redwings breeding in north-west Highlands
  • v03: p419 Eye-browed Thrush on North Rona: a new Scottish bird
  • v04: p96 Nesting of a nearly white hen and a normal cock Blackbird
  • v04: p310 Grey-cheeked Thrushes on St Kilda and in Morayshire
  • v04: p376 American Robin in Kirkcudbrightshire
  • v04: p377 Nesting of a leucistic Song Thrush in Sutherland
  • v04: p451 Blue Rock Thrush in Orkney
  • v05: p31 Fieldfares breeding in Orkney
  • v05: p32 Redwings breeding in Scotland
  • v05: p39 Blackbird and Song Thrush laying in the same nest
  • v05: p109 Breeding success of Blackbirds in Edinburgh suburbs
  • v05: p218 Fieldfares breeding in Shetland
  • v05: p220 American Robin on Foula, Shetland
  • v05: p291 Blackbird and Wren brooding Blackbird chicks
  • v05: p392 Dusky Thrushes in Shetland
  • v06: p212 Fieldfares breeding in east Inverness-shire
  • v06: p213 Redwings breeding in north Perthshire
  • v06: p336 Rock Thrush at Fair Isle
  • v07: p208 Habitat of Redwings in Scotland
  • v07: p261 White’s Thrush on Fair Isle
  • v07: p406 Fieldfares breeding on the Scottish mainland, 1972-3
  • v08: p33 White’s Thrush at Fair Isle
  • v09: p349 Male Ring Ouzel associating with a pair of Blackbirds
  • v12: p22 Mistle Thrush carrying mammal
  • v12: p259 Song-flighting Mistle Thrush
  • v12: p260 Redwings in a Highland Glen
  • v14: p185 Double-brooded Fieldfare nesting in Glenurquhart, Scotland
  • v14: p213 Icelandic Redwings in Inverness-shire
  • v16: p40 Proximity of successful Ring Ouzel and Mistle Thrush nests
  • v17: p235 Kestrel predation of Ring Ouzel nestling
  • v18: p120 Willow Warbler feeding Mistle Thrush nestlings
  • v18: p247 feeding association of Dunnock and Blackbird in snow
  • v19: p173 Song Thrush apparently nesting on the ground
  • v19: p182 Song Thrush predation on marine gastropods


  • v07: p268 Habitat of Redwings in Wester Ross


  • Ring Ouzel v01: p247
  • Blackbird v04: p94 albino; v05: p387
  • Fieldfare v05: p214; v06: p207
  • Song Thrush v01: p282; v05: p331
  • Redwing v05: p331

Genus: Cettia, Cisticola, Locustella


  • v08: p34 Lanceolated Warbler at Fair Isle
  • v17: p176 Cetti’s Warbler in Edinburgh: a new bird for Scotland


  • Pallas’s Grasshopper Warbler v10: p114 (11a)
  • Grasshopper Warbler v11: p118 (15a)

Genus: Acrocephalus


  • v03: p315 Great Reed Warbler in east Inverness
  • v06: p48 Aquatic Warblers in Fair Isle and Shetland
  • v06: p337 Great Reed Warbler in Fife
  • v07: p262 Thick-billed Warbler in Shetland
  • v09: p381 Sparrowhawk taking Sedge Warbler from a ringer’s hand
  • v19: p119 Reed Warblers breeding in south-west Scotland
  • v19: p170 Marsh Warblers breeding in Orkney in 1993: a first for Scotland


  • Aquatic Warbler v01: p364
  • Sedge Warbler v09: p386; v11: p118 (15b); v12: p80 (10b)
  • Reed Warbler v09: p305; v17: p100

Genus: Hippolais


  • v01: p191 Icterine Warbler in Shetland
  • v10: p24 Olivaceous Warbler on the Isle of May


  • Booted Warbler v10: p114 (11b)
  • Melodious Warbler v12: p48 (4a)

Genus: Sylvia


  • v10: p296-305 Notes on the Whitethroat in Sutherland (D. Macdonald).
  • v11: p108-112 How many Lesser Whitethroats breed in the Lothians? (S. R. D. da Prato).
  • v16: p66-76 The breeding distribution and habitat requirements of the Lesser Whitethroat in Strathclyde (T. Byars, D. J. Curtis & I. McDonald).
  • v19: p223-230 Feeding studies of the Lesser Whitethroat in Strathclyde (T. Byars & D. J. Curtis).


  • v01: p19 Barred Warbler in Fife
  • v01: p40 Blackcap nesting in Morayshire
  • v01: p41 Lesser Whitethroats in Skye and Wester Ross
  • v01: p41 Subalpine Warbler on the Isle of May
  • v01: p380 Barred Warbler in Lewis
  • v05: p223 Subalpine Warbler, Common Rosefinch and Lesser Grey Shrike on North Ronaldsay, Orkney
  • v05: p394 Subalpine Warblers in Shetland and Orkney
  • v06: p215 Subalpine Warbler in Angus
  • v13: p52 Dartford Warbler in Berwickshire


  • v04: p264 Garden Warblers in west Stirlingshire


  • Subalpine Warbler v10: p266 (27b, c); v11: p220 (24a); v14: p118
  • Sardinian Warbler v12: p48 (4b)
  • Barred Warbler v12: p221 (27b)
  • Lesser Whitethroat v08: p65; v11: p118 (14a-d); v18: p230
  • Whitethroat v11: p118 (14e)
  • Blackcap v12: p258 (30); v13: p220 (33)

Genus: Phylloscopus


  • v01: p42 Arctic Warbler in Aberdeenshire
  • v01: p73 Chiffchaff in winter in Ayrshire
  • v01: p239 Yellow-browed Warbler in Lewis
  • v01: p380 Yellow-browed Warbler in Stirlingshire
  • v02: p250 Yellow-browed Warbler and Tawny Pipit in Lewis
  • v02: p367 Radde’s Warbler at the Isle of May
  • v04: p97 Abnormally plumaged Willow Warblers
  • v04: p452 Greenish Warbler in Berwickshire
  • v04: p454 Pallas’s Warbler at Fair Isle-a new Scottish bird
  • v05: p39 Abnormally plumaged Willow Warbler
  • v05: p222 Arctic Warblers in Shetland
  • v05: p395 Pallas’s Warbler in Aberdeenshire
  • v05: p397 Radde’s Warbler on Isle of May
  • v09: p164 Probable Siberian Chiffchaffs wintering in Morayshire
  • v10: p56 Dusky Warbler at Fair Isle
  • v12: p87 Elusive Chiffchaffs
  • v12: p193 High-rise Willow Warbler
  • v14: p50 Aberrant nesting behaviour of a male Wood Warbler
  • v18: p120 Willow Warbler feeding Mistle Thrush nestlings


  • Greenish Warbler v10: p18 (1)
  • Pallas’s Warbler v10: p114 (11c)
  • Willow Warbler v03: p303; v11: p118 (15c); v12: p48 (5a); v18: p238

Crests Sylvidae


  • v01: p153 Firecrest on the Isle of May
  • v04: p99 Firecrest in Shetland
  • v05: p224 Firecrest in Orkney
  • v05: p397 Firecrests on Isle of May and in Shetland
  • v06: p447 Firecrests in Morayshire
  • v08: p81, 279 Firecrests in Sutherland and Fife
  • v20: p37 Goldcrest nest sites in witches’ brooms


  • v01: p195 Firecrest in Scotland


  • Goldcrest v06: p319; v08: p66
  • Firecrest v01: p219; v13: p80 (13a), 328

Old World Flycatchers Muscicapidae


  • v01: p19 Pied Flycatcher breeding in Clackmannanshire
  • v01: p192 Red-breasted Flycatcher in Aberdeenshire
  • v01: p337 Red-breasted Flycatchers in Fife and Aberdeenshire
  • v01: p494 Red-breasted Flycatchers in Aberdeenshire
  • v02: p478 Collared Flycatcher in Orkney
  • v10: p181 Collared Flycatchers in Shetland


  • Red-breasted Flycatcher v17: p100
  • Pied Flycatcher v01: p381
  • Verditer Flycatcher v17: p100

Long-tailed Tit Aegithalidae and Tits Paridae


  • v10: p268-271 Breeding of Blue Tits in relation to food supply (J. J. D. Greenwood & S. F. Hubbard).
  • v12: p97-106 Breeding status of the Crested Tit (M. J. H. Cook).
  • v16: p19-24 Brood feeding and division of parental care by Crested Tits (D. Hope).


  • v01: p18 Two unusual nests of the Blue Tit
  • v01: p40 Crested Tits in Morayshire
  • v02: p37 Nocturnal behaviour of Blue Tit
  • v03: p314 Great Tit killing and carrying Wren
  • v10: p182 Carrion Crow taking Blue Tit
  • v11: p227 Crested Tit laying second clutch
  • v12: p255 The Crested Tit on Deeside
  • v13: p116 Unusual behaviour of Long-tailed Tits
  • v16: p41 Chaffinch egg hatched by Blue Tit
  • v18: p250 Mobbing of Waxwing by Chaffinches and Blue Tits
  • v19: p127 Mobbing of Waxwing by Chaffinches and Blue Tits
  • v19: p177 Territory sizes of Crested Tits at Abernethy Forest, Strathspey
  • v19: p304 Proposals to extend the range of the Crested Tit in Scotland, 1945-1955


  • v13: p54 Crested Tits on Deeside


  • Long-tailed Tit v06: p262
  • Crested Tit v09: p263; v12: p118 (12)
  • Blue Tit v13: p186 (27), 376

Nuthatches Sittiidae


  • v03: p83 Nuthatch in Perthshire
  • v04: p450 Nuthatch in Kirkcudbrightshire
  • v07: p316, 387 Nuthatches in Perthshire
  • v15: p51 (1989 BR) The first successful breeding of Nuthatch in Scotland (R. D. Murray).
  • v16: p43 Nuthatch breeds in Scotland

Treecreepers Certhiidae


  • v02: p249 Some breeding notes on the Treecreeper
  • v09: p267 Further notes on a long-established Treecreeper nest site
  • v11: p265 Treecreeper with only one foot
  • v13: p228 Wellingtonias and Treecreepers
  • v19: p115 Ground nesting Treecreeper in Deeside


  • Treecreeper v12: p49 (7)

Orioles Oriolidae


  • v05: p289 Golden Orioles displaying in Kinross-shire

Shrikes Laniidae


  • v06: p18-22 Winter home range and feeding habits of a Great Grey Shrike in Morayshire (R. Hewson).


  • v01: p455 Lesser Grey Shrike in Ayrshire
  • v01: p456 Red-backed Shrike in Aberdeenshire
  • v02: p39 Method of Pursuit by a Great Grey Shrike
  • v03: p250 Lesser Grey Shrike in Outer Hebrides
  • v03: p420 Lesser Grey Shrike in Orkney
  • v04: p101 Woodchat Shrike in Fife and East Lothian
  • v04: p232 Lesser Grey Shrike in Orkney and Shetland
  • v04: p234 Woodchat Shrike in Shetland
  • v04: p378 Lesser Grey Shrike in Shetland
  • v04: p508 Woodchat Shrike in Orkney
  • v05: p109 Lesser Grey Shrike in East Lothian
  • v05: p110 Woodchat Shrike in Morayshire
  • v05: p176 Woodchat Shrike in East Lothian
  • v05: p223 Subalpine Warbler, Common Rosefinch and Lesser Grey Shrike on North Ronaldsay, Orkney
  • v05: p225 Lesser Grey Shrike in Shetland
  • v06: p22 Notes on a Great Grey Shrike wintering in Lanarkshire
  • v06: p24 Notes on the feeding behaviour of a captive Great Grey Shrike
  • v06: p53 Lesser Grey Shrike in north Argyll
  • v06: p449 Food of Great Grey Shrikes in Inverness-shire and south-east Sutherland
  • v07: p95 Lesser Grey Shrikes in East Lothian and the Inner Hebrides
  • v09: p348 Behaviour of Wryneck and Great Grey Shrike
  • v18: p118 Red-backed Shrike breeding in Perthshire
  • v19: p114 Red-backed Shrike breeding records in Scotland
  • v19: p114 Red-backed Shrike – summer records in Scotland


  • v18: p190 Red-backed Shrike breeding records in Scotland


  • Red-backed Shrike v08: p65; v10: p18 (1)
  • Great Grey Shrike v06: p29; v09: p305

Crows and Jays Corvidae


  • v01: p286 Hooded Crow and Red-necked Grebe as predators of salmon (D. H. Mills).
  • v03: p177-179 Notes on the rookeries in the City of Edinburgh in 1957 and 1964 (C. N. L. Cowper).
  • v05: p196-204 A survey of rookeries in Ayrshire in 1966 (M. E. Castle).
  • v06: p166-168 Scottish winter Rook roost survey (J. H. B. Munro).
  • v06: p169-170 Notes on the rookeries in the City of Edinburgh in 1970 (J. H. B. Munro).
  • v06: p438-443 Scottish winter Rook roost survey – southern Scotland (J. H. B. Munro).
  • v07: p399-403 Breeding biology of Magpies in Aberdeenshire (J. A. Love & R. W. Summers).
  • v08: p309-314 Scottish winter Rook roost survey – central and northern Scotland (J. H. B. Monro).
  • v09: p327-334 Rookeries in Scotland – 1975 (M. E. Castle).
  • v10: p261-267 A Study of Ravens in Orkney (C. J. Booth).
  • v12: p211-218 The status of the Raven in southern Scotland and Northumbria (R. Mearns).
  • v12: p238-246 The status of the Chough in Scotland (J. M. Warnes).
  • v13: p258-262 Counts of some breeding birds in two recently afforested areas of Kintyre (S. J. Petty).
  • v15: p114-118 The distribution and status of the Chough in Scotland in 1986 (P. Monaghan, E. Bignal, S. Bignal, N. Easterbee & C. R. McKay).
  • v17: p205-211 Densities of breeding Magpies and Carrion Crows in south-east Scotland in 1992-93 (H. E. M. Dott).
  • v17: p212-234 The breeding performance of Ravens from a sample of nesting territories in Shetland during 1984-1993 (P. M. Ellis, J. D. Okill, G. W. Petrie & D. Suddaby).
  • v18: p71-77 Winter diet of Ravens in Perthshire (W. A. Mattingley).
  • v18: p159-165 Ravens nesting on buildings in Orkney (C. J. Booth).
  • v18: p205-213 Human induced increases of Carrion Crows and gulls on Cairngorm plateaux (A. Watson).
  • v19: p129-133 Observations at a winter Rook and Jackdaw roost in Aberdeenshire (I. S. Francis).
  • v19: p280-289 Distribution and foraging habitat preferences of Choughs on The Oa peninsular, Islay (M. Madders, F. M. Leckie, J. Watson & C. R. McKay).
  • v20: p49-62 Raven population size and distribution on the Isle of Islay in winter (M. Madders & F. M. Leckie).


  • v01: p17 Feeding habits of Raven in Shetland
  • v01: p18 Jay in Ayrshire
  • v01: p238 Chough in Argyll
  • v03: p366 Increase of Carrion Crow in south-east Sutherland
  • v04: p449 The Magpie in western Scotland
  • v05: p31 Hooded Crow making child-like cry
  • v05: p290 Rook hiding food
  • v05: p290 Nutcracker in Shetland
  • v07: p56 Nutcrackers in Peebleshire
  • v07: p403 Fulmars in a rookery
  • v07: p406 Rooks in Shetland
  • v09: p302 Rooks killing Carrion Crow
  • v09: p382 Gymnastic Rook
  • v10: p182 Carrion Crow taking Blue Tit
  • v10: p276 Carrion Crow opening milk bottles
  • v10: p315 Gymnastic Carrion Crow
  • v12: p23 Change of Crow hybrid zone in Kincardineshire
  • v12: p258 A Trio of Magpies
  • v13: p54 Kingfisher attacked by Magpie
  • v13: p88 Large, temporary roost of Jays in Midlothian
  • v13: p188 High density breeding and ground nesting of Carrion Crows
  • v14: p51 Raven breeding for the first time at 6 years old
  • v15: p179 Successful autumn nesting of Raven
  • v17: p168 Rook flight-line across Firth of Forth
  • v18: p59 Magpie’s nest – with a difference
  • v18: p121 Carrion Crows roosting on ground with Black-headed Gulls
  • v18: p248 Decline of Sutherland rookeries
  • v19: p125 Interaction between Sparrowhawk and Jackdaw near Newtonmore, Highland
  • v19: p299 Raven nest on hydro-electric dam
  • v19: p303 Ravens nesting successfully on a specially provided platform
  • v20: p112 Interactions between breeding Choughs and Fulmars on Islay


  • v03: p208 Identification of Scandinavian Jackdaws
  • v04: p524 The Magpie in western Scotland
  • v05: p65 The Magpie in western Scotland
  • v10: p31 Effects of poisoning on Raven and raptor populations
  • v18: p190 Density of breeding Crows in Argyll


  • Nutcracker v05: p269, 272
  • Chough v08: p429; v12: p258 (29)
  • Jackdaw v06: p160
  • Rook v06: p160; v09: p346
  • Carrion/Hooded Crow v04: p164
  • Raven v11: p188 (21); v18: p161

Starlings Sturnidae


  • v08: p63-71 Evening assembly of Starlings at a winter roost (J. Brodie).


  • v01: p43 Rose-coloured Starling in Wigtownshire
  • v01: p97 Winter breeding of Starling in Shetland
  • v01: p193 Rose-coloured Starling in Shetland
  • v01: p380 Rose-coloured Starling in Shetland
  • v01: p456 Rose-coloured Starling in Dunbartonshire
  • v02: p251 Rose-coloured Starling in Fife
  • v04: p379 Rose-coloured Starling in Shetland
  • v05: p292 Rose-coloured Starling in Berwickshire, East Lothian and the Outer Hebrides
  • v05: p398 Rose-coloured Starling on Iona
  • v07: p97 Rose-coloured Starling in Sutherland
  • v10: p25 Starlings filling nestbox with hollyhock seeds
  • v15: p135 The summer flocking of juvenile Starlings
  • v15: p181 Starlings excavating nest holes in sand dunes
  • v15: p184 Summer flocks of juvenile Starlings


  • v06: p343 Starling using sheep as a towel


  • Starling v05: p386; v06: p320; v08: p67, 251; v17: p216
  • Rose-coloured Starling v10: p114 (13a, b)

Sparrows Passeridae


  • v01: p45 Tree Sparrows nesting in Ayrshire
  • v02: p39 Tree Sparrows in north Sutherland
  • v02: p102 Unseasonable breeding of House Sparrows
  • v02: p310 Tree Sparrows breeding on St Kilda
  • v08: p279 Scottish Bird Report 1973 – additions (House Sparrow)

Finches Fringillidae


  • v16: p11-18 Probable long-term sympatry of Common and Scottish Crossbills in northeast Scotland (A. G. Knox).
  • v16: p160-164 Variation in the Song of the Chaffinch (P. J. B. Slater).
  • v19: p1-9 Distribution and abundance of Twites wintering in Caithness (H. Clark & R. M. Sellers).
  • v19: p262-269 Winter habitats of Twites in Scotland (H. Clark & R. M. Sellers).
  • v19: p270-279 Movements of Twites in Scotland (H. Clark & R. M. Sellers).


  • v01: p98 Hawfinches in Aberdeen
  • v01: p98 Northern Bullfinch in the Cairngorms
  • v01: p154 Hawfinch in Tiree
  • v01: p154 Two-barred Crossbill in Inverness-shire
  • v01: p155 Chaffinch nesting on ground
  • v01: p193 Two-barred Crossbill in Shetland
  • v01: p240 Common Rosefinches on Foula
  • v01: p457 Scottish Crossbill in Wester Ross
  • v02: p251 Arctic Redpoll in Lewis
  • v02: p427 Arctic Redpoll in Inverness-shire
  • v02: p478 Crossbills breeding in Angus
  • v03: p34 Common Rosefinch on Auskerry, Orkney
  • v03: p196 Parrot Crossbills in Shetland and Outer Hebrides
  • v04: p508 The status of the Twite
  • v04: p509 Common Rosefinch in Shetland
  • v05: p177 Notes on the food of the Siskin around Inverness
  • v05: p223 Subalpine Warbler, Common Rosefinch and Lesser Grey Shrike on North Ronaldsay, Orkney
  • v05: p292 Arctic Redpolls in Shetland
  • v05: p399 Serin in Shetland
  • v07: p97 Arctic Redpoll in Orkney
  • v07: p209 Common Rosefinch in Shetland
  • v08: p279 Scottish Bird Report 1973 – additions (Hawfinch, Trumpeter Finch)
  • v11: p85 Scottish Crossbills feeding on carrion
  • v13: p87 Young Crossbill feeding a sibling
  • v14: p188 Siskins breeding in Birch
  • v15: p132 Siskins breeding in Birch
  • v16: p41 Chaffinch egg hatched by Blue Tit
  • v16: p287 Unripe grain, a major food for young finch-like birds
  • v18: p117 Goldfinch feeding on seaweed
  • v18: p248 Probable first breeding record of Brambling in Britain represented in a museum collection
  • v18: p250 Mobbing of Waxwing by Chaffinches and Blue Tits
  • v19: p127 Mobbing of Waxwing by Chaffinches and Blue Tits
  • v20: p35 A further survey of Twites wintering in Caithness


  • v01: p376 Siskins using feet as feeding aids


  • Brambling v18: p249
  • Redpoll 7:355; v09: p386
  • Arctic Redpoll v07: p355; v12: p221 (27a)
  • Two-barred Crossbill v07: p355
  • Common Rosefinch v07: p136
  • Hawfinch v10: p266 (26); v18: p32

New World Warblers Parulidae


  • v14: p124 Common Yellowthroat on Fetlar, Shetland
  • v14: p310 Blackpoll Warbler on Whalsay
  • v19: p123 Hooded Warbler on St Kilda


  • Ovenbird v08: p252
  • Common Yellowthroat v13: p379

Buntings Emberizidae


  • v03: p235-246 Notes on the Corn Bunting in Sutherland (D. Macdonald).
  • v08: p53-62 Spitzbergen 1972 – ornithological work of the Aberdeen University expedition (A. Anderson, L. Campbell, W. Murray, D. P. Stone, R. L. Swann).
  • v09: p147-162, v10: p36 Recent distribution, ecology and breeding of Snow Buntings in Scotland (Desmond Nethersole-Thompson).
  • v13: p19-23 Numbers and spacing of summering Snow Buntings and snow cover in the Cairngorms (T. P. Milsom & A. Watson).
  • v13: p107-111 The status of the Corn Bunting in the Lothians (A. W. Brown, M. R. Leven & S. R. D. da Prato).
  • v14: p57-60 Population size, distribution and habitat use of the Corn Bunting in the Uists and Benbecula (T. D. Williams, T. M. Reed & A. Webb).
  • v16: p53-56 Scottish Snow Bunting numbers in summer 1970-87 (A. Watson & R. Smith).
  • v16: p57-65 Snow Buntings in Caithness (K. W. Banks, H. Clark, I. R. K. Mackay, S.G. Mackay & R. M. Sellers).
  • v16: p273-275 Some post-war declines in Corn Bunting numbers in north-east Scotland (A. Watson).
  • v17: p223-234 Breeding seasons and nesting success of Snow Buntings in north-east Scotland (R. D. Smith & M. Marquiss).
  • v18: p170-181 Numbers, distribution and habitat associations of Corn Buntings on the Outer Hebrides and Tiree in 1995 (P. F. Donald, P. Hines, J. Dustow, I. Hepburn, G. F. Albon & S. Jervis).
  • v19: p105-113, 184 Habitat use by Snow Buntings in Scotland from spring to autumn (A. Watson).


  • v01: p20 Yellow-breasted Bunting at the Isle of May
  • v01: p20 Little Bunting-and other birds-on Rhum
  • v01: p44 Lapland Buntings in Aberdeenshire
  • v01: p45 Snow Buntings feeding on Moor Rush
  • v01: p277 Early nesting of Corn Bunting
  • v01: p495 Prolonged nestling period of Corn Bunting
  • v02: p252 Red-headed Bunting on Little Cumbrae
  • v03: p317, 381 Yellow-breasted Bunting in Orkney
  • v04: p103 Black-headed Bunting in Shetland
  • v04: p104 Rustic Bunting in Outer Hebrides
  • v05: p225 Black-headed and Pine Buntings in Orkney
  • v05: p226 Little Bunting on Out Skerries, Shetland
  • v05: p399 Black-headed Bunting in Inner Hebrides
  • v06: p53 Slate-coloured Junco in Shetland
  • v06: p338 Black-headed Bunting in Outer Hebrides
  • v06: p339 Cirl Bunting in Wigtownshire
  • v06: p339 White-throated Sparrow in Caithness
  • v13: p189 Disappearance of the Corn Bunting from south-east Sutherland
  • v16: p280 Dark-eyed Junco in Hamilton
  • v17: p169 The diet of nestling Corn Buntings on North Uist – insects not grain
  • v18: p116 Polyterritoriality in a population of Corn Buntings on North Uist
  • v19: p115 Numbers of Snow Buntings on arable land in north east Scotland
  • v20: p34 Corn Bunting decline in Easter Ross


  • White-crowned Sparrow v10: p115 (16b)
  • White-throated Sparrow v08: p252
  • Dark-eyed Junco v16: p266
  • Lapland Longspur v05: p153
  • Snow Bunting v09: p153-155; v19: p113
  • Ortolan Bunting v06: p100
  • Rustic Bunting v06: p376
  • Little Bunting v06: p376; v10: p115 (16a)
  • Reed Bunting v13: p118 (17a)

Bobolink and Northern Oriole Icteridae


  • v10: p58 Baltimore Oriole at Fair Isle
  • v14: p256 Bobolink on Fair Isle