Index to Scottish Naturalist (Sep 1935-1939, 1948-1957, 1961-1963) by Keith Naylor
Divers Gaviiformes
- 1937: 72 Black-throated Diver and Waxwing at Duddingston Loch, Midlothian
- 1939: 133 Red-throated Diver at Motherwell
- 1950: 185 Unusual records as exemplified by bone relics – (Great Northern Diver)
- 1951: 193 Black-throated Diver in Midlothian
- 1952: 119 White-billed Northern Diver in Angus
- 1952: 120 White-billed Northern Diver seen in East Lothian
- 1953: 124 Red-throated Diver in Midlothian in June
- 1954: 37 Flocks of Black-throated Divers in Wester Ross
- 1954: 37 White-billed Diver in Angus
- 1955: 109 A White-billed Northern Diver at Spey Bay, Morayshire
- 1956: 57 White-billed Diver in East Lothian
- 1957: 61 White-billed Diver in East Lothian
Grebes Podicipediformes
- 1937: 129-130 Grebes and other birds at Linlithgow Loch (D. Hamilton).
- 1935: 147 Black-necked Grebe – Extension of range
- 1937: 50 Red-necked Grebe on Linlithgow Loch
- 1937: 56 Smew, Slavonian Grebe and Black-necked Grebe at Duddingston Loch
- 1937: 57 Red-necked and other Grebes at Lochend Loch, Edinburgh
- 1937: 71 Red-necked Grebes in Scotland
- 1937: 80 Black-necked Grebe at North Berwick
- 1937: 82 Red-necked Grebe in East Renfrewshire
- 1937: 82 Red-necked Grebes at Musselburgh
- 1937: 134 Breeding of Great Crested Grebes at Duddingston Loch
- 1938: 30 Great Crested Grebes on the Town Loch, Dunfermline
- 1938: 52 Breeding of Great Crested Grebe on Duddingston Loch
- 1938: 59 Nesting of Black-necked Grebes in South Fife
- 1954: 38 Black-necked Grebes in Orkney
- 1957: 52 Little Grebes in Shetland
Shearwaters Procellaridae
- 1948: 220 Shearwaters nesting on the Cuillin of Rum
- 1956: 176 Sooty Shearwaters in the Pentland Firth
- 1957: 53 Manx Shearwaters nesting in the Clyde Area
- 1957: 53 Sooty Shearwater in the Clyde Area
- 1957: 117 Sooty Shearwater in the Shetlands
Fulmar and Petrels Procellariidae & Hydrobatidae
- 1950: 111-121 Non-breeding in the Fulmar (E. Duffy).
- 1952: 38-44 Daily activities of the Fulmar in the North Atlantic in July (F.R. Allison).
- 1952: 84-101 Geographical variation in the bill of the Fulmar (V.C. Wynne-Edwards).
- 1952: 138-147 The incubation rhythm of the Fulmar (K. Williamson).
- 1952: 148-150 Notes on the breeding of the Fulmar (W.J. Eggeling).
- 1953: 167-189 Leach’s Petrels stranded in Scotland in October-November, 1952 (V.C. Wynne-Edwards).
- 1954: 1-12 The fledging of a group of young Fulmars (K. Williamson).
- 1957: 113-116 A census of Fulmars on Hirta, St Kilda, in July 1956 (A. Anderson).
- 1962: 120-125 A count of Fulmars on Hirta, St Kilda, in July 1961 (A. Anderson).
- 1937: 6 Storm Petrel in Edinburgh
- 1937: 172 First Fulmar Petrel to hatch on the Bass Rock
- 1939: 29 Storm-petrel in Perthshire
- 1951: 193 Leach’s Fork-tailed Petrel in Dumfriesshire
- 1952: 119 Dark-phase Fulmar Petrel nesting in Shetland
- 1953: 125 The Fulmar’s bill
- 1955: 109 Leach’s Fork-tailed Petrel in the Flannan Isles and Loch Roag
- 1956: 177 Increase in Fulmars in North-east Scotland
- 1956: 177 Fulmar inland in Aberdeenshire
- 1956: 177 Fulmar and Herring Gull eggs in the same nest
- 1957: 53 Leach’s Petrel in Renfrewshire – a correction
- 1957: 182 A Fulmar far inland in Angus
- 1961: 81 Golden Eagle preying on Fulmars
- 1962: 139 Golden Eagle catching Fulmars
- 1954: 196 Young Fulmars
- Fulmar 1950: plate 1; 1951: 87
Gannets and Boobies Sulidae
- 1937: 133-134 Recoveries of Gannets from the Bass Rock (H.W. Robinson).
- 1937: 172 Young Gannets with malformed beaks
- 1951: 193 Gannets inland
- 1951: 193 Freak nesting materials utilised by Gannets on Ailsa Craig
- 1952: 118 Fall of cliff at Ailsa Craig, affecting the Gannet colony
- 1952: 178 The Gannets of Holy Island, Arran
- 1957: 195 A Gannet in Dumfriesshire
- Gannet 1951: 81
Cormorants Phalacrocoracidae
- 1935: 169 Cormorant in Lanarkshire
- 1937: 85 Cormorants in East Renfrewshire
- 1939: 132 Shag on Linlithgow Loch
- 1954: 122 Nesting of the Shag in Banffshire and Aberdeenshire
- 1956: 178 Early Cormorant nesting in Kirkcudbright
Frigatebirds Fregatidae
- 1953: 156 Postscript to the Frigate-bird record
- 1953: 193 Magnificent Frigate-bird in Scotland
HERONS AND ALLIES Ciconiiformes:
Herons and Bitterns Ardeidae
- 1949: 73-100 The breeding of the Heron in the Outer Hebrides (J.W. Campbell).
- 1957: 32-36 The Night Heron colony in the Edinburgh Zoo (D.F. Dorward).
- 1936: 151 Bittern in North Sutherland
- 1937: 71 Bittern in Aberdeenshire
- 1949: 122 Bittern in East Lothian
- 1950: 57 The breeding of the Heron in the Outer Hebrides
- 1951: 189 The breeding of the Heron in the Outer Hebrides
- 1954: 39 The Heron on St Kilda
- 1955: 110 Bittern in South-east Sutherland
Ibises and Spoonbills Threskiornithidae
- 1936: 64 Rare bird in New Zealand (Glossy Ibis)
- 1938: 116 Glossy Ibis in Aberdeenshire
Flamingos Phoenicopteridae
- 1935: 160 Flamingo in West Ross
- 1938: 177 Flamingo in Lewis
WATERFOWL Anseriformes:
Swans Anserinae
- 1950: 142-152 The Whooper Swans of Loch Spiggie, Shetland (L.S.V. & U.M. Venables).
- 1935: 50 Whooper Swans on loch in Argyll
- 1939: 104 Bewick’s Swan on Clyde at Motherwell
- 1952: 178 Whooper Swans in Wigtownshire in August
- 1955: 112 Bewick’s Swan in Aberdeenshire
- 1956: 178 Large gathering of Whooper Swans in Aberdeenshire
- 1956: 179 Return of Bewick’s Swans in Aberdeenshire
Geese Anserinae
- 1938: 55 White-fronted Goose in Ayrshire
- 1938: 128 White-fronted Goose near Glasgow
- 1938: 173 Varieties of Bean Geese
- 1939: 74 Bean Geese in Kinross
- 1939: 76 Greylag Geese in Stirlingshire
- 1948: 132 Albino Greylag Goose in Aberdeenshire
- 1949: 123 Grey Geese in Ayrshire
- 1950: 126 Barnacle Geese in Berwickshire
- 1950: 186 Barnacle Gees in East Lothian
- 1954: 40 Late migration of Pink-footed Geese
- 1954: 40 Snow Goose in Lanarkshire
- 1954: 186 Lesser White-fronted Geese in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright
- 1955: 112 White-fronted Goose and Iceland Gull ringed in Greenland and recovered in Scotland
- 1955: 112 European White-fronted Goose in Islay
- 1957: 118 A Red-breasted Goose in North-east Scotland
- Blue Snow Goose 1954: plate I
Ducks Anatinae
- 1935: 135-136 The Eider in Sutherland and Shetland (C. Oldham).
- 1936: 29 Food of young Eiders
- 1936: 73-74 A tame wild-duck (T.S. Halliday).
- 1949: 10-18 Courtship display of some ducks on salt water (H. Boase).
- 1949: 1-16 Notes on the behaviour of some ducks (H. Boase).
- 1935: 160 Tufted Duck nesting in North Sutherland
- 1936: 64 Scaup with ring taken in the Firth of Forth
- 1936: 85 Long-tailed Duck in the Firth of Forth
- 1936: 141 Goosander nesting in Dumfriesshire
- 1936: 141 Pintail breeding in Angus
- 1936: 142 Ruddy Shelduck in the Clyde area
- 1936: 149 Garganey and Wood Sandpiper in South Fife
- 1936: 150 Garganey near Glasgow
- 1936: 163 Pintail breeding in Sutherland
- 1936: 172 Garganey in Kinross
- 1937: 24 Pintail in Sutherland
- 1937: 85 Smew at Fair Isle
- 1937: 85 Smew in Forth
- 1937: 85 Smew in Perthshire
- 1937: 56 Smew, Slavonian Grebe and Black-necked Grebe at Duddingston Loch
- 1937: 114 Smew on Linlithgow Loch
- 1938: 52 Pintail at Linlithgow Loch
- 1938: 93 Green Sandpiper in Lanarkshire
- 1938: 115 Wigeon at Motherwell
- 1938: 147 Garganey in Orkney
- 1939: 28 Long-tailed Duck on Duddingston Loch
- 1939: 41 Smew at Possil Marsh
- 1939: 86 Ruddy Shelduck at Summerston
- 1939: 100 Ruddy Shelduck near Glasgow
- 1939: 132 Ruddy Shelduck at Hogganfield Loch, Glasgow
- 1948: 53 The status of the Common Eider in the Moray Firth
- 1948: 133 Gadwall in North Perth and Wester Ross
- 1948: 133 Tufted Duck in Scotland
- 1948: 134 Scaup duck breeding in Ross-shire
- 1948: 220 Gadwall in north Perth
- 1949: 123 Garganey in East Lothian
- 1949: 123 Wigeon breeding at Linlithgow Loch
- 1949: 124 American Wigeon in Angus
- 1949: 124; 1951: 200 Ferruginous Duck near Dumbarton
- 1949: 184 Garganey in Ayrshire
- 1949: 184 Shoveler nesting in Ayrshire
- 1950: 57 Steller’s Eider in Orkney
- 1950: 127 A further note on the display of Velvet Scoter
- 1950: 183 Garganey in Outer Hebrides
- 1951: 133 King Eider drake at Aberdeen
- 1951: 191 American Blue-winged Teal in South Uist, Outer Hebrides
- 1952: 57 Goldeneye in Inverness-shire
- 1952: 117 Pintail nesting in Tiree
- 1952: 178 The status of the Common Eider in the Moray Firth
- 1953: 52 Common Scoter in St Andrews Bay
- 1953: 54 Common Scoters resting ashore
- 1953: 127 Garganeys in North Argyll and South Inverness
- 1954: 39 Eiders nesting in Banffshire
- 1954: 123 A Baldpate (American Wigeon) in Lanarkshire
- 1955: 110 Surf Scoter in North Fife
- 1955: 111 Common Scoters resting ashore
- 1955: 111 Display flight of Goosander
- 1956: 178 Increase in Tufted Duck in Sutherland
- 1957: 183 King Eider on the Tay Estuary
- 1957: 196 Baldpate (American Wigeon) in Aberdeenshire
BIRDS OF PREY Accipitriformes:
Hawks and Eagles Accipitridae
- 1957: 148-152 The breeding success of Golden Eagles in the southern Grampians (Pat W. Sandeman).
- 1957: 153-169 The breeding success of Golden Eagles in the North-east Highlands (A. Watson).
- 1939: 29 Common Buzzard caught in North Sea
- 1939: 86 Golden Eagle in South Fife
- 1949: 121 Golden Eagle versus Wild Cat
- 1950: 57 Buzzard in East Lothian
- 1951: 67 Diet of Golden Eagle
- 1951: 189 Diet of Golden Eagle
- 1952: 177 Common Buzzards in Deeside
- 1957: 183 Coition of Golden Eagles in Skye
- 1957: 184 Golden Eagle display in late June
- 1961: 81 Golden Eagle preying on Fulmars
- 1962: 139 Golden Eagle catching Fulmars
Harriers Accipitridae
- 1949: 122 Montagu’s Harrier in East Lothian
- 1950: 126 Hen Harriers in Moray
- 1951: 132 Montagu’s Harrier near Perth
- 1954: 41 Marsh Harrier near Aberdeen
- 1954: 41 Montagu’s Harrier nesting in South-west Scotland
- 1954: 123 Another Marsh Harrier in Aberdeenshire
Falcons Falconiformes
- 1939: 29 Hobby in Banffshire
- 1948: 131 Some Kestrel incidents
- 1953: 56 Hoopoe pursued by a Merlin
- 1957: 118 Greenland Falcon (Gyr) in West Stirlingshire
Osprey Pandionidae
- 1936: 29 Notes from the Solway Area
- 1950: 182 Osprey in Morayshire
- 1953: 54 The Osprey in the North-east of Scotland
Pheasants and Grouse Phasianidae
- 1948: 99-106 Growth and decline of an artificial grouse moor (T. Leslie Smith).
- 1950: 65-87, 157-178; 1951: 4-17, 135 The history and distribution of the Capercaillie in Scotland (I.D. Pennie).
- 1955: 61-64 Notes on the display of the Red Grouse (T.J. Peterle).
- 1935: 169 Partridges eating Heather Beetle
- 1936: 30 Partridge versus Heather Beetle
- 1937: 57 A fight to the death (pheasants)
- 1939: 132 Quail in Edinburgh
- 1948: 224 Capercaillie
- 1949: 182 On the extinct Scottish Great Spotted Woodpecker and Capercaillie, with a suggestion for systematic treatment
- 1950: 186 Pheasant x Capercaillie hybrid
- 1952: 123 Blackcock in Orkney
- 1952: 123 Ptarmigan eating Scurvy Grass
- 1952: 181 Food of Ptarmigan
- 1953: 128 Red Grouse feeding and drinking
- 1954: 42 Ptarmigan on Kincardineshire coast
- 1954: 124 Some Capercaillie notes
- 1957: 54 Behaviour of Ptarmigan with young
- 1961: 81 Ptarmigan resident at low altitudes in Sutherland
Rails and Coots Rallidae
- 1936: 8 Moorhens
- 1949: 188 Water Rails at Duddingston Loch
- 1949: 188 Water Rail in Edinburgh
- 1952: 181 Water Rail in West Ross
- 1954: 42 Coot on Isle of Canna
Cranes Gruiformes
- 1950: 185 Unusual records as exemplified by bone relics – (Common Crane)
- Crane 4: 562; 6: 99
Bustards Otididae
- 1935: 102 Little Bustard in Aberdeenshire
SHOREBIRDS Charadriiformes:
Oystercatchers Haematopodidae
- 1938: 138 Oystercatcher breeding in Tweed
- 1949: 185 White Oystercatcher: a twelve-year record
- 1950: 60 “Injury-feigning” of Oystercatcher
- 1950: 61 Distraction behaviour of the Oystercatcher
- 1950: 184 White Oystercatcher on Handa Island
- 1956: 115 Note on a white Oystercatcher, 1955-1956
Avocets and Stilts Recurvirostridae
- 1936: 164 Avocet in Argyll
Plovers Charadriidae
- 1948: 121-125 The pre-coition posture and breeding of the Ringed Plover (L.S.V. Venables).
- 1957: 84-93 Northern’ Golden Plovers in Midlothian during spring (R.W.J. Smith).
- 1935: 147 Strange nesting place of the Lapwing
- 1935: 148 Behaviour of the Dotterel
- 1937: 48 Ringed Golden Plover in Skye
- 1937: 144 Dotterel near Edinburgh
- 1937: 174 Dotterel in the Inner Hebrides
- 1948: 135 Iceland Redshank, Spotted Redshank and Dotterel in Wester Ross
- 1949: 127 Uncommon waders in Wester Ross – (Ringed Plover)
- 1950: 184 Dotterel in Wester Ross
- 1955: 113 Spring records of Dotterel in Wester Ross and the Cairngorms
- 1957: 119 Ecological notes on Golden Plovers in the Cairngorms
- 1957: 120 “Northern” Golden Plovers in northern parts of Scotland
- 1957: 124 Nesting of the Dotterel in Ross-shire
- 1957: 185 A white-winged Lapwing
Sandpipers and Snipe Scolopacidae
- 1936: 165-172 The roding of the Woodcock (T. Warwick & V.D. van Someren).
- 1936: 64 Turnstone in West Lothian
- 1936: 149 Garganey and Wood Sandpiper in South Fife
- 1936: 172 Green Sandpiper and Yellow Wagtails at Kinross
- 1937: 71 Black-tailed Godwits at St Andrews
- 1937: 72 Black-tailed Godwits in Shetland
- 1937: 48 Ruff and Little Auk in the Forth
- 1937: 134 Black-tailed Godwits on the Pentlands
- 1938: 30 Dusky Redshank in Fife
- 1938: 46 Scottish Woodcock migrating to Ireland
- 1938: 55 Dusky Redshank in Fife
- 1938: 84 Wintering of the Black-tailed Godwit in Scotland
- 1938: 116 Black-tailed Godwits in Possil Marsh
- 1939: 36 Ruffs in winter
- 1939: 48 Reeve at Newton Stewart
- 1939: 74 Reeve on Clyde at Motherwell
- 1939: 83 Ruff at Musselburgh
- 1948: 135, 228 Iceland Redshank, Spotted Redshank and Dotterel in Wester Ross
- 1949: 125 Curlew Sandpiper in Sutherland
- 1949: 126 Occurrence of American Pectoral Sandpiper in East Lothian
- 1949: 127 Uncommon waders in Wester Ross – (Sanderling, Bar-tailed Godwit and Knot)
- 1949: 185 Black-tailed Godwits at Gladhouse, Midlothian
- 1950: 59 Black-tailed Godwit in North Perth
- 1950: 60 Black-tailed Godwit in Skye
- 1950: 60 Sanderling and Bar-tailed Godwit in Sutherland
- 1950: 183 Wood sandpiper in East Inverness-shire
- 1951: 195 Green Sandpiper in winter
- 1951: 195 Spotted Redshank in Dumfriesshire in March
- 1952: 121 Black-tailed Godwit in Skye
- 1953: 56 Sanderlings in South Inverness
- 1954: 42 Green Sandpiper at Morton Lochs, Fife, in February
- 1954: 43 Green Sandpiper at Aberdeen in February
- 1954: 43 Knots in South Inverness
- 1954: 44 Sanderlings in South Inverness
- 1954: 125 Curlew nesting in cornfields
- 1954: 185 Spotted Redshank in South-east Sutherland
- 1955: 114 Great Snipe in South Perthshire
- 1955: 114 American Pectoral Sandpiper at Aberlady
- 1956: 58 Pectoral Sandpiper in East Lothian
- 1957: 55 Ruff in Lewis
- 1957: 125 Spotted Redshank in Hebrides
- 1957: 185 Green Sandpiper in Inverness-shire in August
- 1957: 194 Ruffs in winter in Dumfriesshire
- 1957: 145-147 Semipalmated Sandpiper (Western Sandpiper) at Fair Isle: a bird new to Scotland (K. Williamson & H.G. Alexander).
- 1948: 220 Reputed Temminck’s Stint on North-west coast
- 1949: 126 Temminck’s Stint in East Lothian
- 1954: 43 Little Stints in South-east Sutherland
- 1954: 44 Temminck’s Stint in East Lothian
- 1949: 125 Phalaropes in Midlothian
- 1952: 57 Grey Phalarope in North Fife in winter
- 1954: 188 Wilson’s Phalarope in Scotland
- 1956: 116 Grey Phalarope in Ayrshire
- 1957: 185 Grey Phalarope in Orkney
Skuas Stercorariidae
- 1952: 158-162 The food of Great Skuas on Hermaness, Unst, Shetland (J.D. Lockie).
- 1948: 221 Early Great Skuas
- 1951: 133 Great Skua using its feet in an attack upon a Gannet
- 1952: 180 Pomatorhine Skua in Kirkcudbright
- 1953: 194 Pomatorhine Skua in Forth
- 1956: 116 Long-tailed Skua in South-east Sutherland
- 1957: 195 Long-tailed Skua at Fair Isle
Gulls Larinae
- 1937: 49-50 Herring Gulls feeding on Starfish (C. Oldham).
- 1937: 81-82 Herring Gulls feeding on Starfish (J.M. Dewar).
- 1936: 150 Scandinavian Lesser Black-backed Gull In Aberdeenshire
- 1937: 32 Herring Gulls feeding on Starfish
- 1937: 144 Iceland Gull at Musselburgh
- 1939: 73 Death of aged Herring Gull
- 1939: 76 Little Gull near Aberdeen
- 1939: 86 Iceland Gulls in Argyllshire
- 1939: 104 Iceland Gull in Ayrshire
- 1948: 53 Glaucous Gull in East Lothian
- 1948: 54 Black-headed Gulls feeding on caterpillars
- 1948: 136 Communal nest-building behaviour of the Kittiwake
- 1948: 221 Common Gulls breeding in Forth area
- 1948: 222 Breeding of Common Gull in the Pentlands
- 1948: 222 Hybrid (?) gull near Lerwick
- 1950: 63 Chick survival in the Kittiwake
- 1950: 184 A high Black-headed Gull’s colony
- 1951: 195 Iceland Gulls at Fair Isle
- 1951: 196 Inland breeding of Herring Gull
- 1951: 198 Lesser Black-backed Gull nesting in Aberdeenshire
- 1952: 58 Little Gulls and a Sabine’s Gull in Largo Bay, Fife
- 1952: 122 Little Gulls in Angus
- 1952: 122 Little Gull in Aberdeenshire in July
- 1952: 122 Herring Gull nesting on a roof-top
- 1952: 123 Kittiwakes inland in summer
- 1952: 179 The sea-birds of Inch Moan, Loch Lomond; inland breeding of the Herring and Great Black-backed Gulls
- 1952: 180 Little Gull in Wigtownshire
- 1953: 129 Greater Black-backed Gull diving for food
- 1953: 129 Little Gull in Angus
- 1953: 195 Inland nesting of Herring Gull
- 1953: 195 Herring Gull nesting on a roof top
- 1954: 44 Siberian Herring Gull in East Lothian
- 1955: 112 White-fronted Goose and Iceland Gull ringed in Greenland and recovered in Scotland
- 1955: 114 Glaucous Gull in Midlothian
- 1956: 117 Glaucous Gull inland in Sutherland
- 1956: 117 Little Gull and Iceland Gull in Argyll
- 1956: 177 Fulmar and Herring Gull eggs in the same nest
- 1957: 55 A Yellow-legged Herring Gull in Shetland
- 1957: 56 Glaucous Gulls inland in Renfrewshire
- 1957: 186 Nesting of Great Black-backed Gull, Herring Gull and Common Tern in Dumfriesshire
- 1961: 82 A large coastal movement of Kittiwakes in April
- Kumlien’s Gull (?) 1948: plate 9
- Kittiwake 1951: 91
Terns Sterninae
- 1936: 148 Common Tern near Blyth Bridge
- 1937: 168 Black Terns at Aberlady
- 1938: 127 Late nesting of terns in Forth, 1938
- 1948: 136 Black Terns in Midlothian
- 1950: 184 Early arrival of Sandwich Tern on Ayrshire coast
- 1952: 179 The sea-birds of Inch Moan, Loch Lomond; Inland breeding of the Herring and Great Black-backed Gulls (terns)
- 1953: 56 Roseate Terns in Wigtownshire
- 1954: 46 Roseate Tern nesting in Angus
- 1954: 190 Sooty Tern in Orkney
- 1956: 179 Sandwich Tern breeding in Sutherland
- 1957: 186 Nesting of Great Black-backed Gull, Herring Gull and Common Tern in Dumfriesshire
Auks Alcidae
- 1937: 24 Ringing Puffins: Good percentage of recoveries on breeding ground
- 1937: 45 Little Auk in Dumfriesshire
- 1937: 45 Little Auk at Granton
- 1937: 48 Ruff and Little Auk in the Forth
- 1938: 85 Recovery of ringed Puffins
- 1938: 150 Recovery of ringed Puffins in Orkney where marked
- 1939: 48 Little Auk in Dunfermline
- 1939: 131 Early arrival of nesting Puffins in Orkney
- 1948: 55 The Northern Razorbill in Scotland: the first Scottish record
- 1949: 187 Aggressive display by Guillemot
- 1949: 187 Little Auk in Perthshire
- 1950: 128 Turtle Dove and Little Auk in North Perth
- 1950: 128 Black Guillemot at Gullane, East Lothian
- 1951: 67 Common Guillemot inland in North Perth
- 1952: 58 Common Guillemot inland in North Perth
- 1952: 59 Observations on the diving ability of healthy and badly-oiled Guillemots
- 1952: 59 Little Auk in Perthshire
- 1952: 180 Albino Guillemot in Aberdeenshire
- 1952: 181 Little Auk in North Perth
- 1957: 56 Little Auk inland in Renfrewshire
- Guillemot 1951: 31
Doves and Pigeons Columbidae
- 1948: 53 Turtle Dove in Sutherland
- 1949: 124 Turtle Dove in Wester Ross
- 1949: 184 Early breeding of Wood Pigeon in Aberdeenshire
- 1949: 185 Turtle Dove in Ayrshire
- 1950: 128 Turtle Dove and Little Auk in North Perth
- 1951: 194 Turtle Doves in Argyll
- 1952: 57 Turtle Dove in North Uist, Outer Hebrides
- 1952: 121 Four successive broods in Stock Dove’s nest
- 1952: 179 Five successive broods in Stock Dove’s nest
- 1953: 195 Five successive broods in Stock Dove’s nest
- 1957: 187 Wood Pigeon nesting in a barn
- 1957: 188 Collared Doves nesting in Scotland
Cuckoos Cuculidae
- 1937: 46 Two rare American Birds in Scotland (Yellow-billed Cuckoo).
- 1948: 52 Evening flight of young Cuckoo
- 1951: 131 Black-billed Cuckoo in Kintyre
- 1951: 189 Breeding of the Cuckoo on Ailsa Craig
- 1953: 196 The Black-billed Cuckoo in the Shetlands
- 1953: 196 Yellow-billed Cuckoo at Montrose
- 1956: 118 Cuckoo in East Ross in winter
OWLS Strigiformes:
Barn Owl Tytonidae and Owls Strigidae
- 1936: 45 Snowy Owl in Fife
- 1938: 8 Dark-breasted Barn Owl at Bothwell
- 1948: 131 Scops Owl in Orkney
- 1948: 131 Feeding of young Barn Owls
- 1949: 120 Nesting of the Barn Owl in Banffshire
- 1950: 125 Little Owls in Berwickshire
- 1951: 189 Little Owl in East Lothian
- 1951: 189 Little Owl in Dumfriesshire
- 1952: 176 A Snowy Owl in the Cairngorms during summer
- 1953: 129 A Snowy Owl in the Cairngorms during summer
- 1954: 46 Barn Owl and Jackdaw on Isle of Canna
- 1957: 57 Snowy Owl in the Cairngorms in summer
- White-breasted Barn Owl 1948: plate 5, 6, 7;
Nightjars Caprimulgiformes
- 1957: 126 Nightjar in Orkney
- Nightjar 13: 118 (17b)
Swifts Apodiformes
- 1954: 47 Late Swift in North Perth
Kingfishers Cerylinae & Alcedininae
- 1935: 173-174 Kingfishers breeding in juvenile plumage (P.A. Clancey).
- 1936: 135-138 The egg-breaking habit of the Kingfisher (R.L. Brown).
- 1953: 56 Kingfisher in Inverness-shire
Bee-eaters Meropidae and Rollers Coraciidae and Hoopoe Upupidae
- 1935: 174 A Bee-eater in Sutherland
- 1936: 158 Hoopoe in Aberdeenshire
- 1948: 219 Hoopoe in Inverness-shire
- 1951: 131 Hoopoe in Wigtownshire
- 1951: 188 Hoopoe in Argyll
- 1952: 117 Bee-eater at Lerwick
- 1952: 175 Roller in Berwickshire
- 1953: 56 Hoopoe pursued by a Merlin
Woodpeckers and Allies Piciformes
- 1936: 149 Note on the Brown Rat and British Great Spotted Woodpecker
- 1937: 85 Green Woodpecker in Fife
- 1938: 116 British Greater Spotted Woodpecker in Lanarkshire
- 1939: 49 Green Woodpecker in Lanarkshire
- 1939: 100 Great Spotted Woodpecker in Bute
- 1948: 130 Tameness of Great Spotted Woodpecker
- 1949: 178 Increase of Goldfinch, Chiffchaff and Great Spotted Woodpecker in East Renfrewshire
- 1949: 182 Great Spotted Woodpecker in North Sutherland
- 1949: 182 On the extinct Scottish Great Spotted Woodpecker and Capercaillie, with a suggestion for systematic treatment
- 1951: 66 Great Spotted Woodpeckers in Glasgow public parks
- 1951: 66 Probable Green Woodpecker in East Lothian
- 1951: 188 Green Woodpecker in Edinburgh
- 1952: 57 Wryneck in Inverness-shire
- 1952: 117 Wryneck in Inverness-shire
- 1953: 57 Wryneck in Inverness-shire
- 1956: 118 Wryneck in East Ross
PERCHING BIRDS Passeriformes:
Larks Alaudidae
- 1954: 125 Shore Larks in East Lothian
- 1955: 115 Shore Larks in Fife and Angus
Swallows and Martins Hirundinidae
- 1936: 163 Notes on the Sand Martin
- 1937: 50 Scarcity of Swallows and House Martins
- 1937: 113 Note on the Sand Martin
- 1938: 8 House Martins in Fife
- 1939: 29 Interesting nesting-place of Sand Martins
- 1939: 48 Late Swallow at Aberlady
- 1939: 83 An early Swallow in Glasgow
- 1950: 56 House Martins settling on Ash trees
- 1952: 56 Late Swallow in Argyll
- 1952: 175 A large colony of Sand Martins in Lanarkshire
Pipits Motacillidae
- 1953: 101-107 The autumn migration of the Meadow Pipit and the Sky Lark on the Kirkcudbright coast (D.F. Owen).
- 1948: 217 Rock Pipits breeding in Midlothian
- 1949: 119 Tree Pipit singing on passage
- 1952: 50 Tawny Pipit at Fair Isle
- 1952: 167 Tawny Pipit in East Lothian
- 1954: 53 Probable American Pipit at Fair Isle
Wagtails Motacillidae
- 1936: 172 Green Sandpiper and Yellow Wagtails at Kinross
- 1948: 129 White Wagtail paired with Pied Wagtail breeding in Wester Ross
- 1954: 126 Grey-headed Wagtail in East Lothian
- 1955: 120 Grey-headed Wagtail in South Fife
Waxwings and Allies Bombycillidae
- 1937: 93-101 The immigration of Waxwings in spring, 1937 (E.V. Baxter & L.J. Rintoul).
- 1936: 86 Waxwings in Scotland
- 1936: 142 Waxwing in Glasgow
- 1937: 72 Black-throated Diver and waxwing at Duddingston Loch, Midlothian
- 1937: 114 Note on Greenland Wheatear and Waxwing
- 1937: 168 Greenland Wheatear in Renfrewshire
- 1938: 55 Waxwings at Cromarty
- 1948: 130 Waxwings in Perthshire and Kincardineshire
- 1953: 59 Waxwing feeding on Apples
Dippers Cinclidae
- 1952: 55 Black-bellied Dippers at Fair Isle in 1951
- 1952: 174 Dipper’s nesting materials
Wrens Trogodyltidae
- 1936: 9-21 Further notes on a field study of the St Kilda Wren, with especial reference to its nest habits and song (T.H. Harrisson & J.N.S. Buchan).
- 1954: 47 The St Kilda Wren in Village area, Hirta, 1952
Chats Turdidae
- 1948: 6-7 The Red-flanked Bluetail in Shetland: the first British Record (S. Bruce).
- 1948: 164-170 On the present status of the Stonechat in Scotland (L.J. Rintoul & E.V. Baxter).
- 1954: 146-154 Redstarts reared in tits’ nests (J.M.D. MacKenzie).
- 1936: 150 Hebridean Stonechat breeding in northern Ayrshire
- 1939: 38 Black Redstart in Wigtownshire
- 1939: 133 Continental Redbreast in Lanarkshire
- 1948: 225 Robins
- 1949: 182 Stonechats in West Sutherland
- 1950: 125 Stonechats in Midlothian
- 1951: 130 Bluethroat in East Lothian
- 1952: 55 Black Redstart in Ayrshire
- 1952: 116 Black Redstart in Ayrshire
- 1952: 116 Black Redstart in North Perth
- 1952: 172 Stonechats breeding again in Kincardineshire
- 1952: 172 Black Redstart in East Inverness
- 1952: 173 Nightingale at Stirling Castle
- 1952: 174 Nightingale in East Ross
- 1953: 58 Black Redstart in Caithness
- 1954: 52 Red-spotted Bluethroat in Angus
- 1956: 179 Stonechats in East Fife
- 1957: 60 Redstarts nesting in East Renfrewshire
- Red-flanked Bluetail 1948 (60): plate 1;
- 1937: 114 Note on Greenland Wheatear and Waxwing
Thrushes Turdidae
- 1937: 48 Ringed Iceland redwing in Harris
- 1948: 225 Blackbirds and Thrushes
- 1949: 120 The Iceland Redwing in Argyllshire
- 1949: 177 Cases of albinism in Jackdaw and other species – (Blackbird)
- 1949: 180 Nesting of Mistle Thrushes
- 1949: 181 A Blackbird’s song
- 1949: 181 Blackbird feeding young wagtails
- 1950: 56 The scarcity of wintering Redwings and Fieldfares in South-west Scotland in 1949-50
- 1951: 65 The scarcity of Fieldfares and Redwings
- 1952: 55 A Redwing roost
- 1952: 172 Fieldfare in Berwickshire in summer
- 1953: 58 Early arrival of Fieldfares
- 1954: 49 Some notes on the nesting of a Mistle Thrush
- 1954: 50 The Redwing nests in Shetland
- 1955: 116 Nestling Blackbirds eating Slow-worms
- 1956: 120 Abnormal song of Mistle Thrush
- 1956: 120 White’s Thrush in North Perth
Genus: Acrocephalus
- 1948: 130 Sedge Warbler breeding at Aultbea, Wester Ross
- 1948: 218 Grasshopper Warblers in Ardnamurchan
- 1949: 119 Grasshopper Warbler in Stirlingshire
- 1949: 120 Sedge Warblers increase in Wester Ross
- 1949: 179 North-west spread of Sedge Warbler
- 1950: 55 The sylviidae in North Sutherland
- 1951: 66 Grasshopper Warbler in West Stirling
- 1951: 187 Yellow-browed and Grasshopper Warblers at Little Ross Lighthouse, Kirkcudbright
- 1953: 197 Grasshopper Warbler in Ross-shire
- 1955: 117 Grasshopper Warbler in Ardnamurchan
- 1955: 117 Grasshopper Warbler in South Inverness
Genus: Sylvia
- 1948: 218 Blackcaps in Wester Ross
- 1949: 179 Garden Warblers in Upper Deeside
- 1949: 180 Blackcaps in West Inverness
- 1949: 180 Lesser Whitethroat in Coigach
- 1950: 55 The sylviidae in North Sutherland
- 1950: 125 Blackcap in East Ross
- 1952: 53 Blackcap in Stirlingshire in winter
- 1952: 53 Blackcap in East Ross in January
- 1952: 53 Blackcap on Speyside in January
- 1952: 54 Blackcap in West Sutherland in November
- 1952: 54 Garden Warbler and Lesser Whitethroat heard in East Inverness
- 1952: 116 Garden Warbler heard in East Inverness
- 1952: 171 Lesser Whitethroat in East Ross
- 1953: 58 Blackcap in Skye in November
- 1953: 58 Lesser Whitethroat in Lewis, Outer Hebrides
- 1954: 191 Blackcap in Inverness-shire in winter
- 1954: 191 Garden Warbler and Chiffchaff in Sutherland
- 1955: 117 Blackcap in Aberdeenshire in winter
- 1955: 118 Blackcap in Sutherland
- 1955: 118 Garden Warbler in Inverness-shire
- 1956: 122 Winter records of Blackcaps in East Ross
- 1956: 181 Garden Warbler in Sutherland
Genus: Phylloscopus
- 1936: 172 Chiffchaff in Perthshire
- 1948: 51 Willow Warbler nesting in stone wall
- 1948: 217 Spotted Flycatcher and Willow Warbler taking bread crumbs
- 1948: 217 Chiffchaff in Inner Hebrides
- 1949: 178 Increase of Goldfinch, Chiffchaff and Great Spotted Woodpecker in East Renfrewshire
- 1950: 55 Chiffchaff in North Perth
- 1950: 55 The sylviidae in North Sutherland
- 1950: 125 Chiffchaff in east Inverness
- 1951: 130 Chiffchaff in East Inverness
- 1951: 130 Chiffchaff in Midlothian
- 1951: 187 Chiffchaff in East Inverness
- 1951: 187 Yellow-browed and Grasshopper Warblers at Little Ross Lighthouse, Kirkcudbright
- 1952: 51 Chiffchaffs in East Ross and east Inverness
- 1952: 52 Aberrant Wood Warbler at Fair Isle
- 1952: 113 Chiffchaffs in South-east Sutherland, North and South Perth and South Argyll
- 1952: 114 Habitat of Chiffchaff in Scotland
- 1952: 171 Chiffchaffs in Midlothian
- 1952: 171 Chiffchaffs in East Ross
- 1954: 52 A phylloscopus warbler wintering in Fife
- 1954: 126 Lutino Willow Warbler
- 1954: 191 Garden Warbler and Chiffchaff in Sutherland
- 1955: 118 Chiffchaff in North Argyll
- 1956: 122 Chiffchaff in Wester Ross
Crests Sylvidae
- 1938: 59 Continental Golden-crested Wren in Renfrewshire
- 1952: 170 Goldcrest at window during darkness
Old World Flycatchers Muscicapidae
- 1957: 45-49 Pied Flycatchers in Perthshire (J.M.D. MacKenzie).
- 1948: 51 The Collared Flycatcher in Shetland: the first Scottish record
- 1948: 217 Spotted Flycatcher and Willow Warbler taking bread crumbs
- 1949: 119 Pied Flycatcher in North Perth
- 1950: 124 Pied Flycatchers in Leet Valley, Coldstream
- 1950: 180 Pied Flycatcher in Midlothian
- 1950: 180 Pied Flycatcher in Argyll
- 1950: 180 Pied Flycatcher nesting in Perthshire
- 1951: 130 Pied Flycatcher in North Perth
- 1951: 187 Attempted breeding of Pied Flycatcher in North Argyll
- 1951: 188 Pied Flycatcher in Angus
- 1951: 188 Pied Flycatcher in North Perth
- 1952: 169 Pied Flycatcher nesting in Perthshire
- 1954: 54 Perthshire Pied Flycatchers, 1953
- 1954: 55 Pied Flycatcher in Morayshire
- 1954: 145 Pied Flycatcher in East Inverness
- 1955: 118 Perthshire Pied Flycatchers, 1954
- 1956: 123 Perthshire Pied Flycatchers, 1955
- 1956: 181 Spotted Flycatchers in Orkney
Long-tailed Tit Aegithalidae and Tits Paridae
- 1949: 144-155 Dominance in the Great Tit (Anne D. Brian).
- 1954: 146- Redstarts reared in tits’ nests (J.M.D. MacKenzie).
- 1939: 70 Great Titmouse flocking
- 1948: 224 Tits
- 1953: 57 Gathering of Long-tailed Tits in East Fife
- 1953: 130 Willow Tit in Sutherland
- 1953: 131 Willow Tit in North-west Sutherland
- 1956: 119 Effect of Myxomatosis on tit nests
- 1957: 57 Crested Tit in South-east Sutherland
- 1957: 58 Crested Tits in plantations
Treecreepers Certhiidae
- 1956: 84-91 Tree Creepers using nest-boxes and other artificial nest sites (J.M.D. MacKenzie).
- 1950: 55 Treecreeper in Harris
Orioles Oriolidae
- 1937: 82 Golden Oriole in Peebleshire
Shrikes Laniidae
- 1935: 170 Woodchat Shrike at Wick
- 1951: 129 Red-backed Shrike in Wester Ross
- 1951: 129 Red-backed Shrike in North Perth
- 1952: 168 Great Grey Shrike in Aberdeenshire and Inverness-shire
- 1953: 59 Great Grey Shrike in Inverness-shire
- 1953: 59 Great Grey Shrike in Perthshire
- 1953: 131 Lesser Grey Shrike in Aberdeen
- 1954: 127 Red-backed Shrike in Inverness-shire
- 1956: 181 Red-backed Shrike in Perthshire
- 1957: 189 Red-backed Shrike in Inverness-shire
Crows and Jays Corvidae
- 1936: 53-56 A census of Rookeries in greater Edinburgh (The Midlothian Orn. Club).
- 1938: 65-79 The Magpie in Scotland (A.B. Duncan).
- 1948: 20-29 The Rook roosts of the Lothians, winter 1946-47 (J.H.B. Munro).
- 1948: 30-32 The Magpie in North-east Scotland (A. Watson).
- 1956: 110-113 Ayrshire Rookeries (R.C. Walls).
- 1956: 162-164 The Hatton Castle Rookery (A. Watson).
- 1937: 58 Probable Nutcracker in Lanarkshire
- 1937: 123 Jackdaw breeding in open nest
- 1938: 115 Status of the Magpie in Inverness-shire
- 1938: 174 Magpies in Fife
- 1948: 50 Ravens in Edinburgh
- 1948: 128 The Magpie in Morayshire
- 1948: 213 Nesting of the Raven in Roxburghshire
- 1949: 118 Magpies in Stirlingshire
- 1949: 176 Carrion Crows attacking in flight
- 1949: 177 Cases of albinism in Jackdaw and other species
- 1949: 177 Mimicry by Jays
- 1950: 179 Courtship feeding of Carrion Crow
- 1953: 130 An unusually-coloured juvenile Rook
- 1954: 46 Barn Owl and Jackdaw on Isle of Canna
- 1954: 47 Jay in South-east Sutherland
- 1955: 115 Carrion Crows in the West Highlands
- 1957: 194 Unusual plumage of Jackdaw in Berwickshire
Starlings Sturnidae
- 1961: 60-74 The breeding of the Starling in Aberdeenshire (A. Anderson).
- 1938: 83 Starlings making Casts
- 1938: 177 Rosy Pastor in Kincardineshire
- 1953: 60 Albinism in Starlings
- Common Starling 1948: plate 2, 3
Sparrows Passeridae
- 1949: 101-103 The appearance and disappearance of the House Sparrow as a breeding species on the Isle of May (H.F.D. Elder).
- 1938: 85 Tree Sparrows in Dumfriesshire
- 1939: 54 Large flock of Tree Sparrows near Edinburgh
- 1948: 129 Tree Sparrows in the Lothians
- 1948: 216 Tree Sparrows in the Lothians
- 1954: 56 Tree Sparrows in Kinross
- 1955: 122 Tree Sparrows nesting in Angus and Perthshire
Finches Fringillidae
- 1935: 121-123 Increase of the Lesser Redpoll as a breeding species in the Lothians (D. Hamilton).
- 1948: 107-120 Notes on behaviour and nesting of some finches (H. Boase).
- 1948: 147-156 Notes on the Crossbill (Dr Winifred M. Ross).
- 1954: 155-169 A synoptic study of the 1953 Crossbill irruption (K. Williamson).
- 1935: 123 Lesser Redpoll in Sutherland and Ross
- 1935: 123 Greenfinch nesting in peas
- 1938: 83 Siskin recovered at Musselburgh
- 1938: 115 Pine Grosbeak in Inverness-shire
- 1938: Continental Chaffinch in Renfrewshire
- 1948: 50 Hawfinch in Perthshire
- 1948: 213 Hawfinches in Perthshire
- 1948: 214 Hawfinches in Edinburgh
- 1948: 215 Hawfinch in East Lothian
- 1949: 118 Chaffinch nesting on wagon brake block
- 1949: 178 Increase of Goldfinch, Chiffchaff and Great Spotted Woodpecker in East Renfrewshire
- 1950: 124 Hawfinch in East Lothian
- 1952: 48 Brambling in Inverness-shire during breeding season
- 1952: 48 Siskins feeding on the shore
- 1953: 60 Chaffinch using Greenfinch’s nest
- 1953: 132 Flock of Goldfinches in Perthshire
- 1953: 132 Chaffinch with successive broods in same nest
- 1954: 55 The food of the Scarlet Grosbeak (Common Rosefinch)
- 1955: 121 Crossbills breeding in Aberdeenshire
- 1956: 123 Hawfinches in North Perth
- 1956: 124 Crossbills breeding on Deeside
- 1956: 182 Crossbills at Dawyk, Peebles-shire
- 1957: 189 Crossbills in Lewis
- 1957: 190 Post-breeding moult of Crossbills
New World Warblers Parulidae
- 1937: 46 Two rare American Birds in Scotland (Black-and-white Warbler).
Buntings Emberizidae
- 1955: 90-97 Field notes on the Corn Bunting: habitat and distribution in Aberdeenshire (I.M. Goodbody).
- 1948: 50 Occurrence of Yellow-breasted Bunting in Fair Isle
- 1948: 128 Unusual plumage coloration of Yellow Bunting
- 1948: 216 Injury feigning by Yellow Bunting
- 1948: 224 Yellowhammer
- 1949: 118 Snow Buntings in West Midlothian
- 1951: 128 Red-headed Bunting at Stonehaven
- 1951: 185 Red-headed Bunting at Fair Isle
- 1951: 186 Yellow-breasted Bunting at Fair Isle
- 1952: 48 Black-headed Bunting at Fair Isle
- 1953: 60 Ortolan and Little Buntings and Fair Isle
- 1954: 127 Lapland Buntings in East Lothian
- 1956: 59 Probable breeding of Snow Bunting on Ben Nevis in 1954
- 1956: 125 Snow Bunting in Skye in summer
- 1957: 60 Probable Lapland Bunting in Aberdeenshire
- 1957: 192 Snow Buntings feeding on Heather seeds
Isle of May Bird Observatory Reports
- 1935: 125-134 (Spring, 1935)
- 1936: 127-130 (Autumn, 1935)
- 1936: 159-163 (Spring, 1936)
- 1937: 51-55 (Autumn, 1936)
- 1937: 125-128 (Spring, 1937)
- 1938: 103-106 (Autumn, 1937)
- 1939: 25-27 (Spring, 1938)
- 1939: 84-86 (Autumn, 1938)
- 1948: 177-178 (Spring, 1946)
- 1948: 179-180 (Autumn, 1946)
- 1948: 181-183 (Spring, 1947)
- 1948: 183-187 (Autumn, 1947)
- 1950: 98- 108 (1948 & 1949)
- 1951: 56-63 (1950)
- 1956: 43-56 (1953-55)
- 1957: 129-144 (1956)
Bird Notes from Fair Isle
- 1936: 61-64
- 1937: 73-76
- 1949: 19-31 (Spring, 1948)
- 1949: 130-143 (Autumn, 1948)
- 1950: 17-25 (Spring, 1949)
Miscellaneous Papers etc
- 1936: 1-7 Archibald Thorburn,
- 1938: 97-98 William Eagle Clarke,
- 1948: 63 Oliver Hilton Wild, 1886-1947
- 1949: 63-64 Sir Hugh Gladstone, 1878-1949
- 1951: 71 Alfred James Wilmott, 1888-1950
- 1952: 183-184 George Thomas Arthur, 1900-1952
- 1953: 137-140 Leonora Jeffrey Rintoul 1878-1953
- 1935: 151-159 Notes on the Birds of Loch Ard Forest (B. Campbell).
- 1935: 171-172 Increase and decrease of certain birds in East Renfrewshire and West Lanarkshire (P.A. Clancey).
- 1936: 35-45 Territory and distributional variation in woodland birds (V.D. van Someren).
- 1936: 75-78 The parasites of British Birds and Mammals (G.B. Thompson).
- 1936: 79-80 Notes on the Birds of the Outer Hebrides (J.W. Campbell).
- 1936: 87-91, 123-124, 139-140 A contribution to the ornithology of West Lanarkshire and East Renfrewshire (P.A. Clancey).
- 1936 115-119 Notes on the status of Birds in Scotland in 1935 (E.V. Baxter & L.J. Rintoul).
- 1936: 131-134 The Fauna of Loch Bee (Edith A. T. Nicol).
- 1937: 3-5 Notes on the status of Birds in Scotland in 1936 (E.V. Baxter & L.J. Rintoul).
- 1937: 7-13 Summer Bird Notes from North Rona (J.A. Ainslie & R. Atkinson).
- 1937: 25-31 Bird notes from Shetland (G. Waterston).
- 1937: 83-85 A contribution to the ornithology of West Lanarkshire and East Renfrewshire (P.A. Clancey).
- 1937: 35-45 The avifauna of Duddingston Loch, Midlothian (W. Searle).
- 1937: 129-130 Grebes and other birds at Linlithgow Loch (D. Hamilton).
- 1937: 163- Knapdale: a summer survey (W.M.M. Chapman & B.W. Tucker).
- 1937: 175-177 Scottish Bird Notes (Outer Hebrides, Clyde, West Ross).
- 1938: 1-2 Isle of May breeding census, 1936 (H.N. Scothern).
- 1938: 11-27 The Natural History of the Island of Raasay and on the adjacent isles of South Rona, Scalpay, Longay and Fladday (G.W. Temperley).
- 1938: 47-51 Notes on the status of Birds in Scotland 1937 (E.V. Baxter & L.J. Rintoul).
- 1938: 81 Bird notes from Upper Loch Fyne (W. Stewart).
- 1938: 107-114 Natural History notes on certain Scottish Islands – Sule Stack, Sule Skerry, North Rona, Sula Sgeir and St Kilda (M. Stewart).
- 1938: 135-138 Bird notes from Kinloch Rannoch (R. Seath).
- 1938: 139-144 Notes on the Birds of Coll (H. MacDougall).
- 1938: 145-147 Natural History notes from certain Scottish Islands – North Rona, The Flannan Isles and Handa Island (R. Atkinson).
- 1939: 5-22 The Birds of Canna (R. Carrick & G. Waterston).
- 1939: 23-24 Some parasites of Birds and Mammals from Canna (R. Carrick).
- 1939: 33-36 Notes on the status of Birds in Scotland 1938 (E.V. Baxter & L.J. Rintoul).
- 1939: 43 Birds in Tummel and Rannoch (H. Boase).
- 1939: 61-67 Iceland Birds visiting Scotland (P Skovgaard).
- 1939: 96-98 Bird Life by the Esk at Musselburgh (D. Hamilton).
- 1948: 8-10 Bird territory as a “fixed address” (Rev. J.M. McWilliam).
- 1948: 11-19 A Century’s changes in Scottish Ornithology (E.V. Baxter).
- 1948: 33-37 A simple nest box (J.M.D. Mackenzie).
- 1948: 38-42 The value of individual marking of birds (R. Carrick).
- 1948: 93-98 Some recollections of J.A. Harvie-Brown and W. Eagle Clarke (W. Berry).
- 1948: 157-163 Summer bird notes from Foula (Dr I.D. Pennie).
- 1948: 171-176; 1949: 59 Mortality of birds in Scotland in the cold weather of January-March, 1947 (H. Dacker).
- 1948: 195-208 The nature of subspecies (V.C. Wynne-Edwards).
- 1949: 1-9 Field notes on the birds of North Iceland (G.K. Yeates & Capt. T.B.W. Jeans).
- 1949: 169-173 Woodland into pasture (Ursula K. Duncan).
- 1949: 26-30 Notes on Eilean Bulgach, Sutherland (J. Fisher & K. Piercy).
- 1950: 33-41 Fleas from birds in North-east Scotland (R.M. Allan).
- 1950: 88-92 Bird predation of defoliating caterpillars (M.V. Brian & Anne D. Brian).
- 1950: 93-97 Natural history notes from the Isle of Gigha (L.J. Rintoul & E.V. Baxter).
- 1951: 18-25 Birds on Mingulay in the summer of 1949 (D.E. Sergeant & R.F. Whidborne).
- 1951: 26-32 The Clo Mor bird cliffs (I.D. Pennie).
- 1951: 37-44 The moorland birds of Unst, Shetland (K. Williamson).
- 1951: 73-100, 159-177 The breeding distribution, population and history of the birds of Ailsa Craig (J.A. Gibson).
- 1951: 178- Notes on the birds of Sanda Island (J.F. Borland & F.D.E. Walls).
- 1952: 1-18 Migrational drift in Britain in autumn 1951 (K. Williamson).
- 1952: 26-30 Recent notes on the birds of the Clyde area, 1950 (M.F.M. Meiklejohn & C.E. Palmar).
- 1952: 65-69 The centenary of William MacGillivray 1796-1852
- 1952: 129-137 Notes on the Islet of Gasker (R. Atkinson & B. Roberts).
- 1953: 1-4 Notes on Birds in the Clyde area, 1951 (M.F.M. Meiklejohn & C.E. Palmar).
- 1953: 19-24 The Birds of St Kilda, 1952 (T.B. Bagenal).
- 1953: 65-94 Migration into Britain from the North-west, Autumn 1952 (K. Williamson).
- 1953: 115-119 Report on Birds of the Clyde Area, 1952 (M.F.M. Meiklejohn & C.E. Palmar).
- 1953: 157-166 Notes on the Birds of the Flannans Isles (D.G. Andrew & G.L. Sandeman).
- 1954: 13-29 American Birds in Scotland in autumn and winter, 1953-54 (K. Williamson).
- 1954: 65-69 Report on Birds of the Clyde Area, 1953 (M.F.M. Meiklejohn & C.E. Palmar).
- 1954: 89-93 Notes on the Birds of Glen Moidart, Inverness-shire (F.D. Hamilton, K.S. MacGregor & R.F.C. Zamboni).
- 1954: 94-100 Migration along the North-west coast of Scotland (T.G. Longstaff).
- 1954: 129-145 June notes on the Birds of Islay (M.F.M. Meiklejohn & J.K. Stanford).
- 1955: 3-8 Observations on the Fauna of Heisker or Monach Isles, Outer Hebrides (R.M. Allan).
- 1955: 9-18 The Haskeir Rocks, North Uist (B. Roberts & R. Atkinson).
- 1955: 40-51 Notes on the Natural History of Eynhallow, Orkney (E. Duffy).
- 1955: 65-71 Report on Birds of the Clyde Area, 1954 (M.F.M. Meiklejohn & C.E. Palmar).
- 1955: 72-89 The breeding Birds of the Isle of May (W.J. Eggeling).
- 1955: 98-105 Review of Ornithological changes in Scotland in 1953 (E.V. Baxter).
- 1956: 1-9 Review of Ornithological changes in Scotland in 1954 (E.V. Baxter).
- 1956: 14-22 The Birds on St Kilda, May 1955 (J. Morton Boyd & D.J. Munns).
- 1956: 71-73 Winter Bird notes from Hoy, Orkney (L.S.V. Venables).
- 1956: 127-156 A list of the Birds recorded from the Isle of May (W.J. Eggeling).
- 1956: 157-161 Report on Birds of the Clyde Area, 1955 (M.F.M. Meiklejohn & C.E. Palmar).
- 1957: 21-31 The Birds of the Island of Rhum (W.R.P. Bourne).
- 1957: 37-44 Review of Ornithological changes in Scotland in 1955 (E.V. Baxter).
- 1957: 94-112 The Birds of St Kilda, mid-summer 1956 (J. Morton Boyd, A. Tewnion & D.I.M. Wallace).
- 1957: 170-177 Review of Ornithological changes in Scotland in 1956 (E.V. Baxter).
- 1961: 48-59 The Birds of Corrour Deer Forest, Inverness-shire (P.F. Goodfellow).
- 1935: 2 Autumn migration at Vallay
- 1936: 72 Bird notes from Caithness
- 1936: 130, 142 Notes from the Bass Rock
- 1937: 90 Bird notes from the Forth Area
- 1937: 58 Bird notes from the Forth
- 1937: 168 Notes from Possil Marsh, Glasgow
- 1937: 173 Notes from North Uist
- 1938: 84 Notes from Noss Head
- 1938: 86 Notes from Edenmouth, Fife
- 1938: 93 Notes from Loch Leven, Kinross
- 1938: 93 Notes on some birds seen during 1937
- 1938: 117 Notes on birds seen at Balgray and Summerston
- 1938: 128 Note on some summer birds of Selkirkshire
- 1939: 27 Notes on the Birds of Angus
- 1939: 28 Bird notes from Argyll
- 1939: 30 Notes on Birds seen near Motherwell
- 1939: 49 Uncommon birds observed on the Bass Rock in 1938
- 1939: 49 Birds noted near Motherwell
- 1939: 95 Notes on Berwickshire Birds
- 1950: 58 Reflex actions as forms of distraction display
- 1950: 59 Wader migration in Midlothian
- 1950: 60 Passage birds at Lintrathen Reservoir – (waders, tern)
- 1951: 196 Birds in the Wick Museum
- 1951: 198 Brief notes from N.W. Sutherland
- 1952: 60 The birds of Sanda Island
- 1953: 50 Shetland offshore visitors
- 1953: 128 Waders landing on water direct from flight
- 1956: 114 Parasitism of bird nests by Bumble Bees
- 1957: 182 Notes on summer birds in Islay
- 1957: 184 Uncommon waders at flood-water in Moray
- 1961: 79 Ecological notes from Boreray, St Kilda, in May 1960
- 1961: 84 A large coastal movement of sea-birds in May
- 1962: 139 The height of the Clo Mor cliffs
- 1954: 197-204 American Birds in Britain – drift or assisted passage
- 1962: 141 The Birds of Corrour Deer Forest, Inverness-shire